Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 401 Try another slap?

Chapter 401 Try another slap?

After finishing speaking, before Yan Yixi came back to her senses, she turned and left coldly.

This is a love scam, whoever is serious will lose!

No one put a knife on her neck to force her to fall in love.

She is too stupid...

Who is to blame for the injury?

I can only blame myself for committing a cheap crime that I shouldn't have committed.


Everything ended satisfactorily.

In the future, you don't have to worry about receiving flowers and having no place to put them.

In the future, no one would come to the apartment and pester her endlessly.

She broke free!


The corner of the mouth evoked a sweet smile that he had never had before.

The beautiful she marvels, the beautiful she admires herself, the beautiful she wants to cry...

The chest seemed to be torn apart alive, and the heart was broken——

The pain can be dealt with once, the blood flow is painful, and the bone is painful.

Even if tears are worthless, she will not shed tears for this kind of man.

She would laugh and walk out of that con with a smile.

She did her best!

She can't save Jiang Yang.

This is the only regret.

She thought she had great strides.

She thought she was going fast.

But it took so long before she walked out of the box.

Ignoring the gazes cast by others, she raised her head slightly and walked forward.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind struck from behind, making people tremble uncontrollably.

But... At this moment, she doesn't feel anything at all, she just wants to leave here, go home and have a good sleep.

Get up early tomorrow, the day will go on, the sun will rise, it's that simple.

But at this moment, someone grabbed his wrist violently.

His strength was ferocious and brutal, and he couldn't care less about hurting her, so he forcibly pulled her slender body over.

"Jie Yiyi, don't go!"

It was the voice that had deceived her with countless lies.

It was the voice that once sang a love song for her.

he came?
To see her joke?
I'm sorry, I may have to disappoint him!

He was always domineering and domineering.

His shoulders hurt, as if they had been crushed.

There were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, as if he had just wrestled with someone, he was very tired, and even his voice was hoarse.

"What did Yan Yixi tell you?"

"..." She was silent.

Didn't he know what Yan Yixi said to her?Why bother to ask her?
Seeing that she didn't answer, Yan Yifeng knew the situation.

She misunderstood him, he moved closer to her, lowered his head and said, "Jie Yiyi, listen to my explanation?"

His voice was cold.

She looked up.Looking at him with an expression like watching a joke.

His face was flushed, as if he had just smoked wine...but...just after he indulged in lust, these three words might be more appropriate.

His black hair was still dripping with water, and it slid all the way down from his handsome forehead, covered with dense beads of sweat...

It was as if he had just been pulled out of the oven, his lips... were still chapped.

This scene... Let her, who has enjoyed the human~body~flesh~bo for free, recall that she was once occupied by him...

After a sharp pain in my heart, I felt disgusted and disgusted.

"In the past few months, I haven't touched any woman except you!"

"What you see are all illusions, you should believe me, not a man who has never been in contact with you!"

"Pa——" Just as he finished speaking, a loud slap landed on his handsome face.

If she had a gun on her, she would have touched him without hesitation.

Even if it is the next life, she can only spend it in prison, she is satisfied.

A slap fell, attracting the attention of countless people.

His face was dark, but the pain made him wake up a lot.

He said viciously, "Try another slap?"

(End of this chapter)

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