Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 402 If you love her, let her go!

Chapter 402 If you love her, let her go!
"Pa—" After receiving his instructions, Jie Yiyi slapped her again without hesitation.

A slap is for a child.

The slap was for myself.

The vent is over.

Now, it's clear.

Withdrawing her hand from his red and swollen face, she was about to turn around and leave gracefully.

But at this time, the tender hand was firmly held by someone.

His scorching palm revealed warmth, reaching directly to her heart.

Yan Yifeng's cold black face suddenly softened a little, as if he had never been slapped twice before.

Hold her catkin tightly, with a gentle voice, "Hey, since you're so obedient, come home with me!"

Ignoring the eyes of everyone, he pulled her away.

After leaving here, she can do whatever she wants.

In the next second, the woman in front of him broke away from his hand without showing any shame.

A burst of blood came from his nose.

It looked like blood was dripping on her clothes.

But she couldn't care so much, she turned her head and smiled sarcastically, "Yan Yifeng, enough is enough!"

Whether he is to save face, or to continue to revenge her.

Anyway, she's had enough!She won't believe his words any more.

"It's not over... I didn't call it over!"

"I will give you a reasonable explanation for this matter!"

His tone was firm.

Like, it wasn't his fault.

Explanation... In her eyes, explanation is the most hypocritical cover-up!
The facts are in front of her eyes, she has witnessed it with her own eyes, what good explanation can he give?

Did he accidentally fuck her?Or... this clip was completely edited by PS?
Ah!Then China's PS is really strong to the sky.

All the sadness, all the sourness, rushed to the throat, and there was only one sentence, a hysterical roar, "Yan Yifeng, go to hell!"

If he doesn't die, she will also curse that he will never be happy in his life!


Words came to her lips, she turned and left, leaving only a lonely figure behind him.

Will not……

Since she came today as promised, it proves that she has him in her heart.

He managed to save all of this, and he didn't give up easily.

Enduring the pain in his arm and the pain on his face, he took a quick step to catch up.

This time, it was his wrist that was grabbed, and Yan Yixi's voice came from behind, "Brother, if you love her, let her go!"

Letting her go was the most beautiful ending for both of them.

"Beng—" A powerful fist hit him hard on the face, Yan Yi said fiercely, "Stop fucking me! Who gave you the power? Let you do this?!"

A fair and mixed-race face, the facial features were dislocated by the fist, and the blood from the corner of the mouth overflowed.

But Yan Yixi replied calmly, "You angered father!"

"I~fuck~ him!" Throwing down these words, he suppressed his anger and quickly chased after him.

"Brother...you will kill her like this!" Yan Yixi said.

Seeing that he kept walking, he said to the golden-headed bodyguard beside him, "What are you doing here? Hurry up!" He spoke in English.


Pointing a gun full of murderous intent, Yan Yifeng turned his head coldly, the violence all over his body made people tremble, "Who dares to follow?"

Although everyone in Yan's family was afraid of Yan Yifeng, they only listened to the Lord's words, and the Lord didn't speak, even if they died, they couldn't back down!
"Bump—" A bullet accurately shot into the headed golden-haired bodyguard, stopped in his footsteps, killed him with one blow, he was dead!
(End of this chapter)

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