Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 406 I Want To Be Quiet 1 Quiet

Chapter 406 I want to be quiet

"Yiyi..." Seeing her sleeping, muttering words, Yu Shaofan quickly grabbed her hand.

There was a strong smell of disinfectant in front of his nose.

She was shaken a few times, and she was quite awake.

The head was heavy, the body was heavy, as if being rolled over by a wheel, the pain was excruciating.

The eyelids opened after a fierce struggle.

In my mind, broken memories slowly emerged.

The apartment was on fire, and a large group of firefighters and fire trucks, including Yan Yifeng rushing into the fire, rushed in one after another.

There was a sharp sign in his chest.

She held Yu Shaofan's hand tightly, and said excitedly, "Shaofan, where is Yan Yifeng?"

Why is she in the hospital?

What about Jiang Yang?Did he come out?
Seeing Jie Yiyi's nervous expression, Yu Shaofan's eyes dimmed a bit.

The voice increased in decibels, "Shaofan, answer me."

Seeing that he was silent, Jie Yiyi lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

No... It is said that dreams and reality are exactly the opposite, and he will be fine.

Yu Shaofan held her shoulders, and said in a calm voice, "Yiyi, you still have an electric drip on your hand, so you can't get out of bed."

"Then tell me, what happened to them?"

After covering her with the quilt, Yu Shaofan took out a notebook and a pen from the drawer and handed them to her, "Yan Yifeng is fine..."

The heart seemed to be relieved, but it was suddenly seized, because Yu Shaofan hadn't finished speaking.
"But uncle..."

Having said that, his voice disconnected... he didn't continue speaking.

Seeing the notebook, her hand instinctively shrank, her face was pale without any blood, "What's wrong with him?"


Jie Yiyi backed away in fear, her voice choked up, "No...he won't leave me... Shaofan, don't lie to me, this kind of joke can't be played randomly..."


Yu Shaofan knew that this matter was a blow to her.

Open your hands and hug her into your arms, "Yiyi, you are tired, don't think about anything, go to sleep first, I will accompany you."

Yu Shaofan's scorching chest warmed her cold body.

The chest was split open, and blood was dripping down.

She pushed him away, and her voice returned to normal, "Shaofan, why did the building catch fire all of a sudden?"

Yu Shaofan's eyes darkened a little, he held her hand tightly, "Yiyi, I will take care of these things, you can sleep peacefully."

Holding back her emotions, she said, "Where is he? I want to see him!"

"..." Yu Shaofan fell silent.

he's gone……?
She... Really, nothing?

Her nose was clearly sore, but she still controlled her emotions and glanced outside the door, "Shaofan, you go out first, I want to be quiet."

"Yiyi..." He would rather see her cry in his arms than see her holding back like this.

"Shaofan, I beg you, go out first and leave me alone, okay?" She said hoarsely.

The worry on Yu Shaofan's face increased a bit, but... he finally nodded, "Then I'll watch over you outside, call me if you have anything to do."

"En." Jie Yiyi didn't raise her eyes, but nodded.

Yu Shaofan stroked her hair, covered her with the quilt, and still swallowed the words he wanted to comfort.

It's better to leave her alone.

Glancing at her, he exited the room and closed the door.

The empty room made Jie Yiyi feel cold, she hugged her knees tightly with her arms.

In my mind, I tried hard to portray Jiang Yang's appearance, but my mind went blank, only his trembling voice echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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