Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 407 Broken hand?Or disfigured?

Chapter 407 Broken hand?Or disfigured?
Why, all this will become like this?

If she hadn't gone out tonight, wouldn't all this have happened?

When it was on fire, could she rescue him in the first place?

Although she hated him once, when she thought of him, he was no longer here...

Her heart still throbs.

The pain was unbearable, as if someone had cut his chest open with a knife.

He was fine when he left the apartment.

When he came back, he was gone...

Why... the time they spend together is so short?
It's only been a week.

Although she has been indifferent to him this week, in fact, in her heart, he has forgiven him.

She decided to let go of the past, let go of her hatred for him, and take good care of him in the days to come.

She also wants to cure his stomach disease and let him live a good life...

But... there is no chance.

Now... She really has nothing left, she only has herself left.

Mom is gone, dad is gone...

Looking at the old notebook, I recalled the scene when Yan Yifeng took her to the prison for the first time, half lying on the wooden bed alone, holding the notebook in both hands, and looking at the smallpox.

The eye sockets couldn't help being moist.

Putting the notebook in her arms, she lowered her head, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Tears welled up in her eyes and never fell, she endured them.

She doesn't want to cry.

Now, she is only one person left, she can no longer let herself be weak, she must be strong.

Yu Shaofan stood outside the door, looked at her on the hospital bed~ through the window, his eyes were tingling, and he couldn't bear it.

But he sighed lightly, and suppressed all his emotions.

Slowly, she will become stronger.


The next ward.

Yan Yifeng's injured hand had just been bandaged.

He got up to go out the door.

Yan Yixi stepped forward and stopped him, "Brother, father will call later."

He clenched his fist, but didn't smash it down.

The hand that had just finished stitching could not exert any strength.

"Yan Yixi, you fucking don't want to die in my hands, you'd better get out of the way obediently!"

He warned coldly.

Yan Yixi knew where he wanted to go, he held his shoulder, "That woman is fine, you can rest at ease."

Oh shit!Just a small injury on the arm and you still need to stay here to recuperate?
When he came out of the fire scene and heard that Jie Yiyi was sent to the hospital, his heart sank.

He didn't know if he was in a coma or awake now.

Yan Yixi and his group insisted on bandaging the small wound on his hand that was not worth mentioning.

With a gloomy face, the shards of ice splashed all over the ground, "Get lost!"

When will it be Yan Yifeng's turn to manipulate him?
Pushing him away, he was about to leave. At this moment, the bodyguard behind him handed over his mobile phone, "Young Master, Master Yan's phone number."

Hold!His face was extremely dark, and those murderous eyes could tear a person into pieces.

"For a woman, you mutilated yourself and rushed into the fire. When my father found out, he had a heart attack." Yan Yixi said.

"Why didn't a heart attack kill him?" His voice was indifferent, he answered the phone and waved them out.

Bo An threw them out, Yan Yixi didn't leave, Yan Yifeng gave him a cold look, "You too!"

Under the white light, Yan Yixi had a helpless expression on his face, he shrugged, and he left the room.

Staring at the number on the screen, he picked up after a few seconds.

Before he could speak, a soft voice came from the other party, "Is the hand broken? Or is it disfigured?"

(End of this chapter)

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