Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 409 My Woman, I Can Take Care of Myself

Chapter 409 My Woman, I Can Take Care of Myself
Bo An continued to answer, "Miss Jie is fine, it's just too much stimulation, rest for a day or two and you'll be fine."

Even with Bo An's report, if he doesn't stay by her side all the time, he will always have concerns and worries in his heart. He stood up from the bed, "I'll go see her."

Bo An did not stop him but followed behind him, "Mr. Yan, Ms. Jie is depressed now and needs to be alone. Over there, I have sent someone to monitor. If Miss Jie makes any movement, I will report to you immediately." report."


Unable to stop, he pushed open the door and walked out.

The bodyguard guarding the door followed immediately, "Master, you are wounded, please go back to the ward to recuperate." He spoke in English.

Glancing at him, there was a slight smile on his lips, and the next second, with a "touch", the bodyguard who spoke was kicked to the ground by Yan Yifeng.

Looking at the embarrassing and vulnerable bodyguard who fell into dog gnawing shit, he said coldly, "Before I get angry, get lost as far as you can!"


Whose territory?No matter how many people the old man sends, it is useless. China belongs to him. If you dare to oppose him, one word, 'death'.

Yan Yixi stood behind him, watching his back, but did not catch up.

The woman he loved was still in the hospital, and there was no way he would leave.

Bo Anhu stood behind Yan Yifeng, pointing his gun at the group of bodyguards, who dared to follow, the gun in his hand would show no mercy.

Outside Jie Yiyi's ward.

Yu Shaofan stood outside the door, staring at Jie Yiyi's every move with both eyes.

Since he came out, she has maintained that posture of holding the notebook, without even blinking her eyes.

Heavy and hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor, Yu Shaofan then looked away from her, looking for the source of the sound.

Under the bright lights, Yan Yifeng walked here in a neatly tailored black suit exuding arrogance and arrogance.

Although his hands are wrapped in white gauze, it doesn't affect his handsomeness.

Seeing him coming, Yu Shaofan frowned slightly.

Yan Yifeng's face became even more gloomy, he stepped forward, and ordered in a commanding tone, "Yu Shaofan has nothing to do with you here, you can get out!"

His woman doesn't need him to take care of her.

Besides, I don't know if the apartment caught fire tonight has something to do with him.

It's an interesting story that the electrical box caught fire and burned down the whole apartment.

There was a faint smile on Yu Shaofan's mouth, "Yan Yifeng, you have no right to say such things to me."

"Yiyi has nothing to do with you anymore, the one who should get out is you!"

Let him stay here to take care of Yiyi?There is no consolation, only a deeper level of torment.

"Yu Shaofan, tell me the fuck again, I will take care of my woman myself, I don't need you to pretend here!"

If it weren't for the fact that your hands were wrapped in gauze and your strength was not as good as before, how dare you speak to him in this tone?As early as a punch passed.

"She has nothing to do with you anymore, so don't bother her in the future."

"Ever since meeting you, Yiyi hasn't had a good day, you should stop in moderation, if you keep pestering her, it will only make Yiyi hate her even more!"

Yu Shaofan reminded that he was also fighting for opportunities for himself.

His face darkened, and he roughly pulled his collar, "With you, will she feel better?!"

Throwing away his hand calmly, Yu Shaofan said unhurriedly, "At least I gave her happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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