Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 410 It's not your turn to teach me a lesson!

Chapter 410 It's not your turn to teach me a lesson!
"Happiness?" He sneered, "That's childish!"

"A man who can't even protect his own woman can give her happiness?"

Yan Yifeng provoked disapprovingly, "If you really loved her, you wouldn't be engaged to another woman!"

"Since the famous flower has an owner, you should keep your duty and don't eat from the bowl and look at the pot. She hates this kind of man even more."

Yu Shaofan still kept an elegant smile on his face, "I am engaged to her, no one knows the truth of the matter better than you."

"So what?" Frowning, he said softly, "Can't you even see that I'm testing you?"

His usual soft eyes turned cold for a while, and a few seconds later, he said, "If you have such leisure time, why not spend more time introspecting on yourself."

Anger rose, and Yan Yifeng kicked over, "Yu Shaofan, it's not my turn to teach you a lesson!"

"In front of Yiyi, if you don't restrain your temper, no matter how much you spend, no matter how many roses you send, it's useless."

It also took five years to go from friends to couples.

His understanding of Jie Yiyi would never be lost to a man who could only be violent to her for four months.

"Yu Shaofan, shut up the fuck!" The cold, murderous voice echoed in the corridor.

Yu Shaofan turned his face sideways, and put his hands in his pockets needlessly.

What he said made him feel inexplicably angry. He clenched his fists and kicked the door of the ward facing him.

At this time, a nurse walked out of the room, and seeing Yan Yifeng's handsome face, she gave a sign first, and then said, "This is a hospital, not a boxing gym, please be more respectful."

Although seeing his appearance, my heart was pounding, but it was his fault to disturb the patient's rest.

His face became even more serious, and the violence emanating from his body made one's hair stand on end, "Get lost!"

Swallowing a breath, the nurse realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly shrank her head like a turtle, disappearing before his eyes.

"Bell—" Yan Yifeng's cell phone rang.

is an important call.

After giving Bo An a look, he motioned him to keep a close eye on Yu Shaofan, and then left.


This night, Yu Shaofan's phone rang many times, but he didn't answer it.

It was all Lin Xi's calls. He was not in any mood and didn't want to pay attention to her.

Its daybreak.

He didn't close his eyes all night.

Jie Yiyi said that she wanted to be quiet for a while.

He didn't dare to go in and disturb her, and he was afraid that she would have an accident or be emotionally unstable, so he could only look at the window from a distance.

Surprisingly, that night, she was very stable, she fell asleep when she was tired, did not cry, and did not speak.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, not crying or making noise is a good thing, but for Yu Shaofan, this is the most fatal pain.

The pain that is held in my heart and cannot be told is the most painful.

She didn't say anything on the surface, she was calm and composed on the surface, but in her heart, she must be vulnerable.

When she came back from buying breakfast outside, she was already awake.

Still in the same position, half lying on the bed~, staring blankly ahead, without emotion, no one can guess what she is thinking...

His chest tightened, Yu Shaofan put down his breakfast, sat down beside the bed, and called her, "Yiyi."

Jie Yiyi just glanced at him and didn't answer.

She was tired and didn't want to speak for a while.

There are a lot of things accumulated in her heart, and she hasn't fully recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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