Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 412 Pretending to be dumb without eating or drinking? 1

Chapter 412 Pretending to be dumb without eating or drinking? 1
There was a sharp pain in his heart, but... he couldn't find words to comfort her, so he could only raise his hand to stroke her hair.

Under the tightly closed eyes, the long curled eyelashes brushed two shadows, when Yu Shaofan touched her, she trembled slightly, like the wings of a dragonfly, very beautiful and moving.

No matter at any time, she can always exude an uncontrollably seductive aura, as if, as long as she gets close to her, male hormones will be secreted...

Thoughts that can make people feel impulsive, but Yu Shaofan has good control, just for a moment, he dismissed the idea and took out the MP5 in her hand.

"Yiyi, the music hasn't played yet, I'll help you choose a song."

At this time, let her listen to music, and when she is in a better mood, he will finish Jiang Yang's affairs and take her away.

Picked a lyrical slow song for her.

From what happened last night to now, I was only excited at the beginning, and then there was no movement, not even a drop.

He really hoped that this sad music could force her to cry and cry, and everything would be fine.

He didn't answer, but kept his eyes closed quietly.After the music started, she seemed to be a little nervous, but she seemed to be a little bit loose.

Yan Yifeng stood outside the door, watching this scene, and had the urge to rub her into his arms for a second, but he still had more important things to deal with right now.

He was afraid that as soon as he got close to her, he couldn't help but take her home forcibly. She was depressed now and needed quiet and rest.Endure it!
After two days, Jie Yiyi was still in that state.Did not eat any food except water.

It seems to be angry at someone, and it seems to be anorexic. As soon as you smell the food, your brows will naturally frown.

Lying on the bed for two and a half days, not moving around, not resting on time, as her man, can my heart not hurt?

At night, fearing that Yu Shaofan would take advantage of her, he stayed outside the door alone until dawn.

Seeing that she was awake, the nurse gave her a nutritional injection before leaving in peace.

He only cared about her, he forgot how long he hadn't rested.


It was already the third day, and after receiving Bo An's call report, he was completely angry.

After refusing to eat for three days, if it wasn't for the nutrient solution, she would have lost weight long ago.

Neither happy nor angry, neither sad nor angry, staying on the bed like a log~.

Damn woman, what on earth is she thinking?

"Bump—" Yan Yifeng kicked open the door of the ward when he came back from a business trip.

At dawn, Yu Shaofan was not here and went out to buy her breakfast.

The door was kicked open, Jie Yiyi didn't react too much, but raised her lowered eyes.

It's not that she can't hear the movement outside, but she doesn't want to pay attention to it.

Yu Shaofan's actions had never been so rude, so she couldn't help but raise her head.

The cold air swept over like a storm, making her hair go numb.

Yan Yifeng stood at the door wearing a handsome black tight-fitting leather jacket.

His face was gloomy, he was full of arrogance and anger, as if the world had offended him, and the violent black breath could poison people to death, suffocating them to death.

Seeing her still in that state, the anger in my heart became more intense.

He walked towards her with a dangerous breath, his innate strength and domineering, making people have to be alert and fearful.

Even though his breath made her breathless, she still lowered her eyes indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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