Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 413 Pretending to be dumb without eating or drinking? 2

Chapter 413 Pretending to be dumb without eating or drinking? 2
In fact... In the past three days, she missed him and worried about him, but now, all worries have disappeared in her heart, as long as he is fine.

Suddenly, the white earphones plugged in the ears were pulled hard, and the ears felt empty, followed by the sound of the MP5 smashing to the ground.

"I used to treat you kindly, with food and drink, but now I want to fulfill my wish to starve to death on the bed~?" The cold voice stimulated her eardrums.

With empty eyes, she recovered a little. She looked at the broken MP5 and earphones on the ground, contemplated for a few seconds, and then raised her head to look at him.

"Do you think it's great that you don't eat or drink for three days and pretend to be dumb? Someone will worship you?!" The voice was still extremely indifferent.

"..." There was no answer, and she still looked at him with the same eyes.

She didn't understand the meaning of what he said.If she doesn't eat, drink or talk, that's her own business.

Although he rushed into the fire for her, he was very grateful, but he still left after all.

"Try to look at me with this look again?!" It's not a woman he cares about, let alone caring, let alone scolding, he doesn't even bother to look at her.

Who does she have the capital to make him worry about her?
Instead of looking at him, she lowered her eyes, lifted the quilt, got out of bed, squatted down, and prepared to pick up the broken MP5 and earphones.

Damn woman, do you plan to talk to him?Seeing her pick up what Yu Shaofan bought for her, his anger increased, he pulled the thing and threw it out of the window.

Glancing at him, she walked towards the window.

Her eyes fell on her beautiful little feet, which stepped directly on the floor without shoes on.

court death!With deep eyes, he pulled her back with brutal force, and slammed his body on the bed~, he bullied her body like a giant leopard.

The haze quickly enveloped her body, he looked down at her, and ordered her, "Speak! Don't pretend to be dumb for me!"

Damn woman, if she continues like this, sooner or later, he will be driven crazy.

In the past, if she was dissatisfied with him, she would definitely push her away, but this time, she didn't, as if someone had taken her strength away, her body was so weak.

Not to mention pushing away, even when he got out of bed just now, it took all the strength and balance of his whole body to keep him steady in front of him.

"I'll give you two choices, one, speak up, and two, I kiss you and rape you."

The doctor said that she was extremely injured, too depressed, and didn't know how to release it. If she could be made to cry aloud, the grievance in her heart could be relieved at once... Maybe it would be back to normal in the first day.

Hit her to cry?He was reluctant to scold her until she cried?He was afraid that she would hate him even more...

"It seems that you choose the second!"

Bending her head, her lips were sealed tightly, this breath is easy to make people intoxicated, but Jie Yiyi's heart was agitated, she dodged away...

It caused him to go crazy, so he wanted to escape?Pinch her chin, straighten her coldly, "This is your own choice!"

Things that haven't been touched for just a few days are like ten thousand years away. Holding her breath, I can't stop, I want to ask for more, more...even the urge to occupy her.

Lips, being captured by someone, the upper limit of breathing, she pushed him, "Yan Yifeng, you go away, I feel very uncomfortable."

It will be uncomfortable!Ignoring her push, he grabbed her hand tightly, tore off her hospital gown vigorously, nibbling, biting, and ravaging her...

(End of this chapter)

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