Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 414 I Order You to Cry

Chapter 414 I Order You to Cry

She thought that he came to see her with good intentions, but she didn't expect that he was just hungry and thirsty, and he came here to find her to vent.

No matter how much strength was left in her body, she used all of it and pushed him fiercely, "Get out of here..."

While ravaging and kissing, he raised his head and said, "Aren't you dumb? Why are you talking?"

Cuffing her hands and feet, he moved his hands up and down, and the seductive thing under her body hit her vulnerable place.

In his mind, the scene of him entangled with a woman on the sofa emerged, his chest was stabbed hard by something, it hurt...

It was as if someone stabbed her, and took a silver needle to mend the open wound on her chest.

If you don't touch it, it doesn't hurt, but when you touch it, it hurts to suffocate.

After the wound is stitched, the wound will heal, but the scar will be left, which is still shocking and painful.

Unable to struggle, unable to move, her eyes were filled with anger, and she stared at him firmly.

Yan Yifeng knew that her emotions were gradually rising, and raised his head buried in her chest, he said, "That night, when I rushed to the second floor and kicked open the door, your father had already passed away!"

"Originally, the fire was not that big, and your father could leave, but he probably didn't want to implicate you again, so he chose to be burned to death by the fire."

He could have escaped?But he didn't?

She still remembers his reluctant eyes when she left in the driver's car.

That figure that has not been blown by the wind is painful.

Why doesn't he escape?Didn't he say he wanted to stay with her and take care of her?

How could he be so selfish and leave her alone like that?
Did he ever think about other people's feelings?Not ten years ago, not ten years from now...

She never meant to dislike him, why did he think about these things so pretentiously?

Is there anything more important than your own life?
A trace of sadness flashed across his eyes.

He stopped ravaging her, he pulled her away, and grabbed her roughly into his arms, his tone was still indifferent, "Cry if you want to, don't endure it so ugly here, it's so ugly, it's really disgusting to me."

The bottom of my heart was obviously sad, and my eyes were obviously moist, but because of this sentence, I endured it back.

Why is she crying?In the past ten years, there have been more cruel things than these. Which one, didn't she grit her teeth and survive?
Crying doesn't make people strong, it just makes weak people become habitual.

No matter how vulnerable things are, they will become a thing of the past.

Seeing that there had been no movement in her arms for a long time, he lowered his head and saw that there were no tears on her face, and her chest was tighter. Has this woman really become stronger?Still don't know how to cry?

Panicked, he pinched her jaw and held her chin, insisting on seeing her cry, and ordered coldly, "Cry! Don't be bored, cry for me!"

He used to get annoyed because of her tears, and forced her not to cry... But now, he finally knows that a woman who is sad and doesn't cry or make trouble is the most frustrating.

Because of her like this, he couldn't grasp her emotions at all... He didn't know what she was thinking at all...

The strength of his chin was a little heavier, he was anxious, he lowered his head and bit her lips, "Cry! I order you to cry."

There was still no movement, he growled, "Either fucking cry out loud, or talk to me! Don't be bored!"

Patting her face, he said coldly, "Did you fucking hear that?!"

"Bump—" A powerful fist hit this side hard.

Yan Yifeng's vigilance was extremely high, turning over, he protected Jie Yiyi, and kicked hard towards that side with his right foot.

(End of this chapter)

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