Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 419 She is alone now

Chapter 419 She Is Alone Now
His thinking is completely different from Yu Shaofan's.

Now she has been stimulated, Jiang Yang's matter has been delayed again and again, and she is not allowed to face it. When her wound is almost healed, and reminds her of the sad past, won't she be in more pain?

If it hurts, let her finish it all at once. Procrastination will only hurt her more wounds.

"Yan Yifeng, you..." The emotion on Yu Shaofan's face obviously changed.

Glancing at him coldly, he took out the breakfast in the dining car and put it on the dining table.

Lowering her curled eyelashes, she responded softly, "Mmm."

Seeing her promise, Yu Shaofan became a little anxious, "Yiyi, uncle..."

His body was so ruined, let alone her, most people couldn't bear it.

Nodding, she still had a light expression, "I know."

Why doesn't she know what it will look like after being destroyed by the fire?
Although she was also afraid, all of this was something she had to face.

She just wanted to look at him, that's all!

Yu Shaofan's fingers were fluttering slightly, looking at her pretended strength, his heart tightened again and again, but in the end, he fell silent.

"Come here." Hooking his hands at her, Yan Yifeng still looked rebellious.

Compared with Yu Shaofan, his face was relaxed.

But... does Yan Yifeng have emotions that show on his face?

Walking over, Yan Yifeng insisted on holding her on his lap and sitting there, doing what a servant would do, with a contented expression on his face.

Who made Yu Shaofan angry with him just now?

Now that Jie Yiyi is in his arms, of course he wants to feel good.

Taking a spoonful from the bowl, he fed it into her mouth.

Seeing Yu Shaofan's eyes, Jie Yiyi refused, "I'll do it myself."

He stroked her hair, kissed her cheek, "eat slowly."

Yu Shaofan felt a little stuffy in his chest, and even felt a little bit jealous.

Ever since she divorced him and got together with Yan Yifeng, every time he touches her...not to mention hugging her in such an ambiguous way, but just gently pulling her little hand, she will be very resistant.

She was never like this before.

Why didn't she resist Yan Yifeng?

The two of them fought... She was only afraid of his injury.

In the shopping mall, in France... She kissed him and said she loved him, all of which he could understand, she just did it to save his life.

But now... Yan Yifeng didn't threaten her anything, but she did it so emotionally and reasonably.

Yiyi, could she really fall in love with Yan Yifeng?
His chest tightened suddenly, and every time he had this thought, his heart would tremble uncontrollably.

For him, it was a terrible thought.

Maybe it was because she hadn't eaten for three days, but soon, she finished that bowl of nutritious rice porridge.

After pushing the dining car out, Bo An handed her a new set of clothes——

It was a tight black leather jacket, exactly like the one Yan Yifeng was wearing...

Taking a look at the white suit on Yu Shaofan, she immediately understood what Yan Yifeng meant.

He deliberately showed off the couple's style in front of Yu Shaofan, so as to clearly mark the real price: my woman.

She doesn't have the heart to worry about these now.

Whatever he likes, so be it.

He threw himself into the fire to save Jiang Yang for her, and she will find a chance to thank him, but... she will not go back to Yan's house with him because of this.

Jiang Yang is gone, she is alone now, and she can no longer be as simple, innocent, and let others deceive her as before.

She has to learn to protect herself.

(End of this chapter)

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