Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 420 is one kind, the pain of loss

Chapter 420 is a kind of pain of loss
After taking the clothes from Bo An, she turned and went into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, she changed into her clothes.

This black tight-fitting dress accentuated her petite body, Baole's exquisiteness, and her curves.

She has always felt that black is not suitable for her, so she doesn't like black, but now, she looks at herself in front of the mirror.

It seems that it is not as unbearable as imagined. The white skin, which is like cream, looks more supple against the black background.

She lost her usual innocence and became a bit more mature. There was even a trace of stubbornness in those clear eyes.

Everything will pass, she reassured herself.

Walking out of the bathroom, Yan Yifeng stepped forward to stop her waist, frowned slightly and asked, "Change clothes, have you changed for so long?"

"I took a shower just now." Pushing away his hand, she responded lightly.

Glancing out the window, the sun was high, and it was estimated that noon was coming.

His complexion improved, and he looked at Bo An, "Lead the way."

"Yes, Mr. Yan." Bai An responded.

Yu Shaofan's eyes darkened a little, he stepped forward, "Yiyi, I'll accompany you."

Without refusal, she nodded, "Yeah."

But Yan Yifeng's face immediately darkened.

What is he going to join in the fun with?
Although he was dissatisfied, seeing Jie Yiyi's flat face, he snorted coldly and held back.

In the fire in the apartment, the rescued bodies were all placed in the examination room.

Before the family members claimed it, it was temporarily placed in an ice coffin.

He just quietly followed Bo An's footsteps, didn't speak, only his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

She squeezed her hand tightly and told herself to be calm and calm.

No matter what you see... keep your emotions in check.

All of this... is already in the past tense!

Ten minutes later, Bo An stopped under the door of the laboratory, and he said, "Mr. Yan, we're here."

Glancing at the little woman by his side, he knew exactly what she was thinking no matter how calm she looked on the surface.

The big palm moved down naturally, took her cold hand, wrapped it tightly, and then said softly, "En."

The hand was suddenly held tightly, and she raised her eyes, naturally a little surprised.

After a while, she moved her hand, wanting to take it out of his big palm, but Yan Yifeng didn't allow it... Glancing at Yu Shaofan, she lowered her head.

And Yu Shaofan, who was about to reach out to hold her hand, retracted the moment before she turned her head.

Bo An pushed open the door, and a gust of cold air came in, making people shiver.

However, it seemed that because of Yan Yifeng's big palm, the heaviness in her heart couldn't help but eased a bit.

Or maybe it's because she's learned to control, and in some cases, control her emotions.

"Go in." They didn't move, and Jie Yiyi spoke first.

Yu Shaofan lowered his eyes and stared at her closely.

As if noticing that someone was looking at her, Jie Yiyi raised her head and smiled a little, "Don't worry, no matter what, I have to accept all of this."

In fact, when she said this, she took a deep breath in her heart.

With a cold face, Yan Yifeng moved his feet and led her in.

That day, firefighters said three people were still missing.

And now here... there are people lying in the three ice coffins, so they also...

As soon as I entered the door, I heard someone crying...

Her heart twitched fiercely, the same feeling she felt when she saw Jiang Yang's eyes that night when she left the apartment.

It is a kind of pain of loss.

(End of this chapter)

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