Chapter 425 I deserve her?

As if he had read her mind, Yu Shaofan was afraid that she would turn around, so he couldn't help but tighten her hands a little bit, making her focus on him.

"Yiyi, put on your clothes, and I'll take you downstairs for a walk."

"Uncle's matter, I will handle it for you."

She heard his words clearly, but she didn't answer, she just looked up at him.

Yu Shaofan gave her a gentle smile, raised his head and stroked her hair, "Yiyi, you don't have to trouble me, I will do my best for what I can do for you."

A trace of gratitude flashed across her eyes, but she knew that saying 'thank you' at this time would only make people feel tender.

The rosy lips evoked a smile, "Well, it's up to you."

With a slight movement of his heart, it was as sweet as honey being poured into it, and that smile captured his heart instantly.

However, after being absent for a moment, he quickly came back to his senses without any flattery in it, "Yiyi, you look so pretty when you smile."


In the bottom of his heart, a nameless anger surged up, and his chest was so tight that he was extremely irritable!

He wished he could break Yu Shaofan's hand with one shot.

He couldn't stand another man touching her, not to mention holding her in his arms, even if it was a strand of hair, he wanted to take it as his own intact.

He is hers, no one else can touch him!

Every time he thinks about those two times when she was almost raped by others, and was raped by others, his heart will feel like ten thousand knives stabbed into his chest, and his heart will be indescribably crushed.

Now, she left with another man, hand in hand, and he couldn't wait to throw her into the car, take her back to Yan's house, take her back to the bed~, and clean her up severely.

If you don't vent hard, it's too much for heaven's sake.

However, sometimes no matter how powerful and invincible a person is, there will be a deadly weakness deep in his heart.

What she had said to him came to mind.

"No woman can bear the way you love"

"The tighter you hold on, the further away I will be from you"

"Because if you get too close, it will hurt and you will suffocate"

He was afraid that if he held on too tightly, she would go further and further away...

In this world, as long as he wants, there is nothing he can't get.

But in front of love, he is humble and vulnerable.

The clenched fist was slowly released.

Take all emotions back into your eyes.

He turned sideways, looked at Bo An and said, "Give me a copy of everything that happened that day! Hand it over to me in the afternoon!"

The information he was referring to was that he was drugged, what happened to Jie Yiyi in the palace, including the apartment on fire...

"Yes, Mr. Yan, I'll do it right away." Bai An responded.

When she looked over there again, Jie Yiyi's figure had already disappeared.

His eyes darkened, and he punched, hitting the wall.

The pain in the chest didn't lessen, but worsened.

A woman who does not know what is good or bad! !

Seeing Bo An leave, Yan Yifeng's eyes flickered, and he stopped again, "Wait!"

Bo An stopped and turned around, "Mr. Yan, what else do you need?"

His face was extremely dark, and he walked towards Bo An with gloomy steps.

The whole body exudes a breath of chill and violence, as if, with just one glance, the whole person will be frozen instantly.

Even Bo An, who has always been calm and composed, feels a little uneasy when he feels this oppression.

He stopped in his footsteps, and he looked at him coldly, his lips slightly parted.

Bo An froze, he thought it was because he did not handle things properly, and Yan Yifeng was going to kill him, but in the end...

He said something completely different from his expression, and he asked, "I deserve her?"

(End of this chapter)

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