Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 426 Am I Not Comparable To Yu Shaofan?

Chapter 426 Am I Not Comparable To Yu Shaofan?
He said something completely different from his expression, "I'm not good enough for her?" (Sorry for missing a word)

It was obvious that Bo An's face was twitching slightly.

In front of the servants, Yan Yifeng has always been stern and solemn, with a stern face, wherever he goes, wherever it is cold...

No matter how big things happened, he didn't change his expression and remained calm.

After staying with him for so many years, except for business, he and him have never talked about a topic other than family or business.

But just now, he suddenly said such a sentence.

It surprised him a lot.

Mr. Yan cares about Ms. Jie, as his subordinate, he understands all these things, but he said like this——

He had to come to a conclusion about him, Mr. Yan was really moved?
After all, he was professionally trained. After being shocked for a moment, he recovered his composure, and his tone was still the most official work-effect reply, "No, Mr. Yan is handsome, rich, and has a prominent status. He is the target and ideal target of countless young girls. .”

To be honest, let him answer these...he is really not good at it.

All he wanted was to work with Yan Yifeng, and he had been single for so many years.

For the concept of love, he may be even more idiotic than Yan Yifeng...

His complexion improved a little.

But in the next second, it became gloomy and cold again, and he continued, "Then why doesn't she like me? I'm not as good as Yu Shaofan?"

Bai An was stunned!Yan Yifeng is... not confident in himself?
Although the face is calm and composed, but the heart has already set off a turbulent sea.

Choose silence?If the master has questions, even if he doesn't understand, he must respond.

answered?What if this answer is not what Mr. Yan wants?


"Mr. Yan, I'll call and ask Mama Feng, she was young after all!"

Desperate for wisdom, Bo An put the answer on Mama Feng.

Mother Feng?But she was okay, her face turned even darker when she mentioned it.

Is Mama Feng's gossip reliable?Yan Yifeng didn't want to ruin his reputation!

How could he come to ask Bo An about this kind of thing?

Did he lose his mind or was he shot?
"Okay! It's none of your business here!" He waved him away.

Bo An knew that it was his fault, so he quickly said, "How about I ask Mr. Yan a relationship expert to understand?"

His face turned cold, and he returned to his usual indifference. He looked down at Bo An, and said coldly, "What did I just say?"

Bo An froze slightly, obviously, he didn't want to dwell on this topic any longer.

He completely denied it, and shook his head, "Mr. Yan didn't say anything, I will do what you ordered right away!"

Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, Yan Yifeng turned and left.

On the surface it looks leisurely, but in the bottom of my heart, I have already gone crazy!
It was like being poisoned, knowing that it would be uncomfortable...but he still couldn't help but sink deeper and deeper into it.

He also doesn't understand what kind of charm she possesses that can drive him crazy to such an extent...

She has been hurt, hurt, heart-piercing, and now, she has nothing, making her life worse than death... This was the ending he wanted.

But now, he couldn't be happy at all... It was himself who made her feel so depressed, and his heart ached.

She is like a poppy, she looks beautiful and delicate, but she is poisonous, and if she is not careful, the poison will invade the internal organs.

He was poisoned by her.


After wandering around casually, seeing that Jie Yiyi was tired, Yu Shaofan took her back to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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