Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 427 He doesn't know how to take care of himself

Chapter 427 He doesn't know how to take care of himself

At this time, the nurse just came in to give her follow-up consultation, examination, and infusion.

In fact, I know her body well. A few days ago, I just kept something in my heart, but Yu Shaofan insisted on asking the nurse to examine her.

after lunch.She hugged Jiang Yang's diary, half lying on the bed~, hesitating in her heart whether to open the diary.

In fact, after visiting Jiang Yang in the laboratory today, her heart was not tensed, but relieved.

Although there was a small episode in the middle, which made her nervous, excited, and even excited...

But she had to admit that she was suspicious.

His body has been placed for many days, and it will be cremated tomorrow...

This notebook was the only thing he left for her.

She wanted to stay, and she wanted to see what happened to him in prison for more than ten years...

However, when she mustered up the courage to open this notebook, her heart hesitated again.

She was afraid that she would see an unbearable scene.

She was afraid that every word and sentence in it would hurt her internal organs.

That night, leaving Jiang Yang alone in the apartment made her regret it too much. She didn't want to see anything that made her feel even more guilty...

Let him go quietly... This notebook has been with him for ten years, and she will let it continue to accompany him.

After taking a deep breath, she closed the notebook and pressed it hard, suppressing the strong desire in her heart.

At this time, Yu Shaofan had just come back from taking medicine outside, seeing that she seemed to be holding back something, he quickly put down the medicine, stepped forward and asked, "Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

A voice as warm as a spring breeze filled her ears, interrupting her contemplation. Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she raised her eyes and said, "Uh... I was thinking about something just now."

Pour out a glass of water from the pot, and hand over the medicine she should take, "Hey, take the medicine first."

"En." After taking the medicine, she responded lightly, looking at the small pill lying in her palm.

Thinking of Yan Yifeng's injured arm, and thinking of him who is arrogant.

Her heart prickled slightly.

No one supervised him, and with his disdainful personality, he definitely wouldn't take medicine and clean his wounds on time...

He always scolds her for not knowing how to take care of herself, so what about him... Isn't it the same?He is also a person who does not know how to take care of himself.

Yu Shaofan pushed her shoulder, "Yiyi, what are you thinking?"

"I..." Afraid that he would find out, she lowered her head guiltily, rinsed her mouth quickly, and stuffed the medicine into her mouth.

Yu Shaofan didn't worry too much, stroked her hair, "Good boy, take a rest after taking the medicine."

He has been taking care of her here for many days, but he didn't come home, and Mrs. Yu didn't take care of her. After contemplating for a while, she still couldn't help but said, "Shaofan, you should go back and have a rest too."

Yu Shaofan held her hand, "I'm not tired."

"But your company..." If Aunt Yu found out that he didn't go to take care of the company for a few days to take care of her, she would definitely make a fuss again.

Yu Shaofan gave her a gentle smile, "I am no longer in charge of the Yu family now, I have developed outside..."

"Huh? Develop outside?" So, Shaofan doesn't want Mrs. Yu anymore?Reinvest in foreign countries?
"Hey, I'll tell you about these things later, get some sleep first."

Instead of answering her words, she avoided them.talk about it later?What exactly do you mean?
(End of this chapter)

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