Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 429 Let's Go Abroad!

Chapter 429 Let's Go Abroad!
After hanging up the phone, Yu Shaofan walked in.

Their call time is not long, only about 1 minute.

Jie Yiyi was half lying on the bed~, looking at Yu Shaofan, "Lin Xi has something important to do with you? If there is something, you should deal with it first..."

Yu Shaofan put the phone away, sat down by the bed, stared into her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Yiyi... you really want to drive me away?"

She doesn't mind Yan Yifeng, but she minds him.

What she lost before, he has been working very hard to make up...to win back her heart.

She was sick before, and he had no chance to take care of her. Now that the opportunity came, how could he be willing to leave?He wished he could stare at her closely every minute and every second.

His face moved closer to her, and she breathed a little tighter.

Realizing that he misunderstood her, she quickly explained, "Shaofan, I didn't mean that, I just didn't want to delay your work."

"We're just friends, I don't want to bother you with everything."

She spoke honestly.

Yu Shaofan's complexion changed a little, but soon he recovered, and put his hand on her shoulder, "Friends should help each other."

To you, we are just friends, but to me, nothing, not even the whole world, is as important as you.

"..." means helping each other.But every time, he only helps her, but doesn't want to reciprocate.

If this debt continues, her heart will become more restless and guilty.

After reading her thoughts, Yu Shaofan said, "Yiyi..."

"What would you do if one day I lied to you?" He asked tentatively.

"Huh?" Deception?In my impression, since they knew each other now, Shaofan doesn't seem to have lied to her about anything...

Why did he suddenly speak like this? Could something be wrong with Shaofan?Is it something she doesn't know?

"Don't be nervous." Nodding his nose, Yu Shaofan said with a smile, "Fool, what are you thinking about? I just said if... it's a hypothesis."

His words made her heart relax slightly.

It turned out to be just a joke, she almost believed it, but even if it was true... Shaofan lied to her, she must be a white lie, right?

Pushing his shoulder hair, she complained, "Shaofan, these things can't be joked around."

Smiling slightly, "However, I believe in you."

The smile on Yu Shaofan's face was a little stiff.

Yiyi, if this is not a joke...

Would you still speak so hesitantly?

Would you believe that everything I do is just because I love you?
After a while, Yu Shaofan came back to his senses, held her catkin tightly, and said in a serious tone, "Yiyi... let's go abroad!"

She enlisted.Just now, it was obviously not this topic that he was talking about, he...

"We go abroad and forget everything here!"

"Shaofan..." Going abroad?Living in France, although this is the life she longed for before, but now...she only wants to live a stable and practical life.

Everything else is not important to her.

"You don't have to worry about financial expenses, have you forgotten? You are in France, and you have a villa, a sea of ​​flowers..."

"The lavender is much more beautiful now than it was then. Many foreign and domestic stars go there for shooting. I put all the fees I received on this card, which is enough for you to go abroad."

"So, you don't have to feel that you owe me. You earned all of this yourself."

Passing the card to her, he smiled and continued, "At that time, you can go to Paris to complete your studies and fulfill your dreams...and I will continue to expand my business abroad."

(End of this chapter)

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