Chapter 430 I hate myself
All of this is the most perfect thing for him.

Leaving China is equivalent to breaking free from the shackles of Yan Yifeng.

She can stop being entangled by him and live the life she wants.

Seeing the card Yu Shaofan handed over, Jie Yiyi didn't take it, but pushed his hand away, "These are all built with your money, they don't belong to me."

earn?Earn what you earn with your own hands.

Yu Shaofan is a good-tempered man by nature, he stuffed it into her hand, "That's my birthday present to you, what I give you is yours."

"Besides, if it weren't for your inspiration back then, it would be impossible to have that villa and the sea of ​​flowers."

"I'm just contacting the business for you. If you really want to thank me, then take the money in this card and go to a French restaurant and treat me to dinner."

"..." Holding the card in her hand, at this moment, her throat felt like a fishbone was stuck, and she couldn't speak.

She once abandoned him, embarrassing him in front of everyone, and even...almost caused him to lose both of his hands.

Every time Yan Yifeng made a move against him, he endured it, and she knew that he was taking her feelings into consideration.

She is not a good person, she hurt him so deeply...but he treats her as always?

"Shaofan, do you know? Actually..." She doesn't deserve it, she doesn't deserve him to treat her so well.

Before he finished speaking, Yu Shaofan opened his arms and pulled her into his arms.

He hugged her tightly, as if he was afraid of something, afraid of her resistance, afraid of her thanks.

"Yiyi, don't mention the word value in front of me, because you are priceless to me."

"I don't want to hear your thank you. I hope you can talk to me when you are sad, and lean in my arms when you are tired."

"I like it. You are unrestrained in front of me, laughing wantonly and crying loudly."

"I know, you are not strong... I know, you also want to have someone to rely on, a safe haven that can give you warmth at any time."

"Whether you still love me or not, I love you, this is something no one can change."

In the bottom of my heart, sorrow and grief welled up.

Every word he said hit her fatally.

She was sad...that she missed him.

She regretted... she gave up that love so easily back then.

If, she just said if.

If they hadn't given up on Shaofan because of Jie Zhengxin's begging, would they have lived a happy life more dreamlike than a fairy tale?

Shaofan is very caring, and knows how to take care of other people's feelings. With him, there will always be countless surprises and sweetness~
Unlike Yan Yifeng... only *** is in his mind.

She missed it.

It seems that there is something, choking the pupils, very sour... Once you can't control it, your emotions will be out of control.

Looking up at the ceiling, she pondered for a long time, suppressed her emotions, and then said, "Shaofan, you are so stupid."

Smelling the fragrance radiating from her body, Yu Shaofan's heart immediately became extremely happy.

Subconsciously hugged her a little tighter, enjoying the warmth and comfort she brought him, "Then you don't like it?"

There was a faint smile on his lips, and he withdrew from his arms, "You have no flaws, I despise myself."

Bowing his head on her lips, he kissed lightly, "Fool, no matter what you become, in my eyes, you are the most perfect."

"So, I don't mind."

(End of this chapter)

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