Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 435 You Will Leave China

Chapter 435 You Will Leave China

Even if she had stayed in Yan's house, so what?The person who is entangled is not her, but Yan Yifeng himself.

Even if she really fell in love with Yan Yifeng, she didn't dare to hope that she could become the wife of the Yan family, because all of this is unrealistic.

His tone was affirmative, leaving no room for refutation.

However, after going through so many things, Jie Yiyi has learned to be calm and calm when facing others, and she has learned not to change her countenance, nor to be alarmed.

She won't let anyone see through her emotions again.

Leaning lightly on the sofa, with slightly curved rosy lips, he asked, "What if I don't leave China?"

If he doesn't leave China, will he send someone to kill her?Ah!
"As long as I think about it, there are no ifs."

Sure enough, they are father and son, even the tone of speech is exactly the same.

Moreover, it is still super-standard Chinese, compared with Yan Yixi's, it is simply weak.

I still remember that when Yan Yifeng asked her to accompany him to Europe, she refused because she couldn't speak English. He laughed: Do you think only Chinese can speak Chinese?

At that time, she was slandering in her heart that even if she knew it, she was extremely rotten, but now it seems that she has too little experience...

Back to the original story, she shouldn't be talking too far, she came back to her senses, sneered and said, "I'm sorry..."

"In this world, money is the least attractive to me. I don't care about your money, and I won't be threatened by you."

"Cough!" Yan Yixi, who was sitting beside her, couldn't help coughing lightly at her words.

He looked at her, those golden eyes were a little deeper, as if he was signaling her something...

Ah!Interesting.Not as cowardly as he imagined, with a bit of backbone...

People live for what?For struggle, for money...

Which person is a trader who keeps his mouth shut for money?

She even said... She doesn't care about his money!

Hiding his emotions, he denied her thoughts, "No...you will leave China."

His voice became cold, "In this world, there are too many things you care about, such as your friends, the people you love and the people who love you... don't you want to watch them die because of you?" ?!"

With a chill in my heart, my pupils gradually dilated, "What do you mean?"

There was a cold and piercing laughter, "What do you mean, you know!"

As soon as the voice fell, the laptop screen suddenly went black.

This made Jie Yiyi even more confused, what he meant...

The next second, the screen lit up again.

In the picture, familiar characters appeared in front of her eyes.

The leader is Yan Yifeng, followed by Yu Shaofan, Jiang Yang, the driver, Feng Ma, Lin Xi, Jie Momo, Jie Zhengxin, Jie Bailiang, Zhong Guifang, etc... Even the little girl who gave flowers was there.

However, to my surprise, she was the only one not in it.

Although he looked calm and composed on the surface, his weird words and actions made her have to question and not panic...

Because she didn't know at all what he wanted to do...?
"Bump—" a deafening explosion sounded in her ears.

Her whole heart was trembling.

However, the characters in the screen were blown to pieces, submerged in the flames, and blood stained the entire screen red.

Jie Yiyi, who had always been calm and composed, finally had a trace of uneasiness on his face.

The sense of the picture was too strong, as if it was real... She couldn't bear the shock, and her body retreated instinctively...

(End of this chapter)

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