Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 436 Murder is a crime

Chapter 436 Murder is a crime
She always thought that with her parents gone, no one in this world could threaten her anymore.

But she was wrong...

Whether Jieyiyi Boliang's family is alive or dead... It doesn't matter to her, but Shaofan is different from Lin Xi... After all, they are innocent and cannot be involved by her.

However, what is more deadly is... Yan Yifeng.

Although she knew that all of this was fake, but for some reason, when she saw the scene where his body was blasted just now, her heart ached, as if someone had taken away the most important thing in her life, It hurts to suffocate.

The strength of the disguise has long been vulnerable to blows.

She was scared... her face turned pale from fear, and her body was trembling slightly.

Fortunately, that scene was not real. If it was real...she couldn't imagine it.

Didn't Jiang Yang already leave her?Why, is he still on it?Could it be...?
Whether it's true or not, it's too much for him to use this to threaten her...

Rich people are so despicable, shameless?
Yan Yifeng is his son!How could he treat him like this?
Although he didn't say anything, the scene just now showed what he meant.

This is his threat to her. If she refuses to obey and does not leave China, then the scene just now will become real, and they will disappear into this world with the bomb, and will be wiped out in ashes.

After a while, the screen over there returned to normal, and the voice came out again, "Little girl, I know you are a kind-hearted girl."

"France has the life you yearn for, and it will be a hundred times more comfortable there."

Ignoring his words, Jie Yiyi's voice was a little excited, "You will break the law if you kill someone!"

"Heh!" The old man let out a sarcastic laugh, "No matter how much you break the law, you can't beat money."

For him, killing them was as simple as trampling an ant to death.

who is he?Any law is ethereal in front of him, and money is the biggest winner!

The rich are domineering, arrogant, and arrogant. She can understand all of these, because they have the capital.

But his actions and words made her unbearable, she growled uncontrollably, "Yan Yifeng is your son, how can you make fun of his life?"

"I don't believe that you will kill your own son."

"Anyone who disobeys or dares to disobey my order must bear a certain price, and Afeng is no exception!"

"He is the successor I trained, and his mind should be on the business war, not on the love between children..."

"Disobedience to me is not once or twice, but again and again, and challenge my bottom line again and again, and the things I do are getting more ridiculous every time! This is the biggest failure of my life!"

"There is no difference between having such a son and not having one? It is an insult to me to stay in this world!"

He spoke lightly, as if what they were discussing was not his son at all.

Jie Yiyi smiled... She finally understood why Yan Yifeng came to China.

Finally, he understood why Yan Yifeng had repeatedly disobeyed him.

Such a father would be unbearable for anyone.

Yan Yifeng is so good, how could he evaluate him like this?Ah!
"Yan Yifeng, having a father like you is the greatest shame in life." She retorted.

She always thought that Jiang Yang was the most hateful father in the world, but she never thought that Yan Yifeng's father would be so cold-blooded and ruthless... She felt sad for him.

(End of this chapter)

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