Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 438 You Shouldn't Fall In Love With Him

Chapter 438 You Shouldn't Fall In Love With Him
"At that time, you will still be able to sit here as calm as water and talk to me like this?"

"I can't! You will feel guilty for sacrificing so many people because of you alone, and you can't wait to kill yourself."

"Girl, you are still young and don't understand anything. You shouldn't fall in love with a man like Ah Feng. You should hide as far away as possible!"

"Getting his love is like being poisoned. The process he lets you enjoy will also bring you a certain amount of pain."

"Slowly, getting deeper and deeper, in the end, he will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Hearing this, Jie Yiyi couldn't listen anymore, she interrupted coldly, "Enough!"

"5 minutes is up, I should go!"

If she stayed any longer, she was afraid that her heart would not be able to bear it...

The old man's voice did not stop, but continued to speak, "I will not force you. Go abroad or stay in China, I will give you free choice!"

Ah!Is this called not forcing?

She laughed again!

Last time, because of the child's miscarriage, Yan Yifeng didn't go to the appointment, which angered him.

At that time, in the bottom of her heart, she was thinking, what kind of person is Yan Yifeng's father?Can Yan Yifeng, who is not afraid of anything, panic?

Now, she finally saw it.

There is no need to doubt, he is not human at all, but a cruel, ruthless, bloodthirsty demon who kills anyone he sees! !
"Heh!" With a sneer, she grabbed her bag, pushed open the door, and walked down quickly.

"Second Young Master..." the bodyguard said, Yan Yixi stopped them with one hand, "Let her go!"

Looking at the back of Jie Yiyi leaving, there was a strange emotion in his heart.

Turning the notebook to this side, Yan Yixi said, "Father, if you let the eldest brother know about this..."

"Even if I don't tell you what happened today, with my elder brother's strength, it's easy to find out."

The old man chuckled, "Oh! Asi, you are still not smart enough! I did this just to let him know!"

"Disobeying me and disobeying my orders for a woman? I will let him know the price!"


After getting out of the car, Jie Yiyi quickly entered the palace, intentionally making a detour in the corridor, and was relieved to see that they didn't follow.

With her heart pressed against her chest, she leaned against the wall weakly.

The scene of the explosion just now was frozen in her mind and played back and forth, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Close your eyes, it is also a bloody scene.

Her heart was tightly squeezed, as if someone strangled her, her breathing became heavier and heavier.

She has always resisted him in her mouth, and hated him in her heart, but at this time, she realized that the person she cares about the most is not others, but him...

She is afraid of losing...

She was afraid of losing a man named Yan Yifeng.

This man, she hated him, but also loved him.

After learning that she had his child, in her heart, he had replaced everything.

She didn't dare to admit it, and she didn't dare to love... After all, the thing to worry about has come! !
In front of them, there are too many obstacles, blocking them... No matter how hard they try, they still can't hold each other's hand.

For a second, she didn't want to worry about anything, she just wanted to rush over... But, this would involve others.

"Yiyi..." An anxious voice interrupted her meditation.

She turned her head and saw Yu Shaofan running towards her.

Facing him, she had to hold back the pain and put away her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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