Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 439 What the hell happened?

Chapter 439 What the hell happened?
Yu Shaofan ran over, grabbed her, and pulled her into his arms.

Even though she already felt her real presence, she still panicked.

"Yiyi... where did you go just now? I looked for you everywhere, but I couldn't find you. I called you and you didn't answer. I thought something happened to you, so I almost called the police!"

There was tension in his panting voice.

After she went out, he was not at ease, so he followed her out and waited outside the bathroom for a long time, but when she didn't come out, he broke in... Only then did he realize that she was not there at all.

He searched everywhere in a panic, and almost searched the entire hotel.

Just now, when I was about to call the police, I saw her, alone in a daze.

"Shaofan, I..." She didn't intend to tell him what happened just now.

So he made a nonsense reason, "I met a classmate, so I chatted here for a while."

"I checked my phone just now, it seems that it's out of battery, now I'm about to go back, you just came, I'm sorry, I made you worry."

Yu Shaofan hugged her even tighter, "What classmate? Is it a boy or a girl? Do I know him?"

As if he noticed something was wrong, he asked.

"Uh... girl, you may not know her."

He hugged her so tightly that she couldn't breathe.

The hand on her chest pushed him, "Shaofan..."

Yu Shaofan realized that he was out of control, let go of her, but still held her in his arms, "I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Smiling slightly, she shook her head, "It's okay."

Seeing that her complexion was not quite right, Yu Shaofan tightened his grip on her shoulders, looked her over carefully from the beginning to the end, and then said, "Yiyi, is there something wrong with you?"

The smile on the corner of her mouth was a little stiff, as if she couldn't hide anything from him.

"No, I'm fine."

Caressing her bloodless cheek, he asked, "Then why is your face so pale?"

"Huh?" Touching her face, she smiled naturally, "When I went to the bathroom just now, I put on moisturizer..."

The tense face and frowning eyebrows relaxed a little, Yu Shaofan lowered his head on her lips, and kissed her lightly, "Hey, let's go eat."

"Okay." Let him hold his hand and lead him into the box.

At this time, the dishes have just been served.

Yu Shaofan pulled out the chair for her and let her sit down.

After that, he carefully sandwiched vegetables for her, and asked her to eat more nutritious things.

She was not happy with this meal.

Yu Shaofan talked to her a lot, and she always responded with a smile on her face, but in fact, she didn't know what he said at all.

I don't even bother to listen...

In her mind, there was only what Yan Yifeng's father said to her...and that scene of the explosion.

Seeing that she had finished eating, he handed her a tissue, but for a long while, she didn't respond, she just stared at it stupidly.

Shaking her shoulders, Yu Shaofan said, "Yiyi, what are you thinking?"

"Uh..." She came back from the trance, looked at him, "I... I didn't think about anything."

Yu Shaofan leaned forward to her, caught the uneasiness in her eyes, "Yiyi, tell me, what happened?"

"Just now, when I got off the elevator, I met Jie Momo's family. They came here for dinner."

"Did you run into them?"

"What did they tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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