Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 440 Don't Worry About Me

Chapter 440 Don't Worry About Me
Jie Momo's family came to the palace for dinner?Such a high consumption, are they willing?

However, fortunately, I didn't bump into them just now, otherwise, seeing Jie Zhengxin's hypocritical face, she was afraid that she would feel sick to herself.

Clenching his fists tightly, Yu Shaofan's eyes became gloomy and cold, "It seems that we need to make them suffer a little bit and teach them a lesson!"

In my impression, this was the first time Yu Shaofan said such words, she couldn't help raising her eyes, "Shaofan, what do you mean?"

What he just said?Want to target the Jie family?
He stroked her hair with his big palm, and his face returned to normal, "It's nothing... From now on, I won't let you suffer any more."

Wronged?He thought she was bullied by Jie Momo and the others?Ah!How can she be so easy to bully now?

However, just teach them a lesson!At the moment Jiang Yang was sent to the crematorium, she let go of all the previous things and regarded them as the past.

But in the future, if Jie Momo and Zhong Guifang treat her like before, she will never be soft-hearted!

"Shaofan, you don't have to worry about me, I know how to protect myself now."

"No matter what, you have to get back the grievances you suffered at Jie's house before, right?" Yu Shaofan looked at her with a half smile.

His words surprised her, she said, "Shaofan, when did you become so vengeful?"

"..." There was no answer, but a gentle smile at her.

Ever since Yan Yifeng snatched Yiyi away from him, he began to learn how to retaliate against the enemy.

People who are too kind are often bullied by bad people!

After carefully wiping the corners of her mouth with a tissue, he held her hand, "Go, I'll take you somewhere."

"Where to go?"

"Beach..." I wanted to pretend to be mysterious, but I was afraid that she would refuse, so I opened my mouth to her.

Tightening the bag in her hand, she lowered her eyes, "Shaofan... can I go tomorrow? I'm a little tired..."

I noticed something was wrong with her just now, and sure enough...

Still maintaining an elegant smile on his face, "Okay, then I'll take you back to Yu's house."

Back to Yu's house?
Hearing this, she quickly withdrew her hand from him, "Shaofan, when the doctor came for a follow-up visit yesterday, he asked me to stay in the hospital for a few more days."

Yu Shaofan understood what she meant, and wiped the sweat off her forehead, "Then let's go back to the hospital first."

She still minded as always, because there was Lin Xi among them.

"Yeah." Nodding his head, he followed him out of the palace.

When we got back to the hospital, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

While sitting in the car, her eyes felt tired, and she fell asleep when she returned to the ward.

in a dream.The scene of the explosion appeared before her eyes again.

Because of her, they died... Everyone pointed at her, scolded her... scolded her for being selfish, scolded her for being ruthless, hated her so much...

No matter how she explains... no one is willing to talk to her anymore...

"Yiyi, you just had a nightmare."

Yu Shaofan wiped her sweat with a wet towel.

Jie Yiyi looked at Yu Shaofan in front of him conspicuously.

Seeing him in real existence, her heart relaxed a little.

It turned out that it was just a dream?

She thought it was true.

Glancing out the window, it was already dark.

Touched the head, a little heavy, a little pain.

"Shaofan, what time is it?" She asked.

"It's past nine o'clock in the evening. I saw you were sound asleep just now, so I didn't dare to wake you up."

(End of this chapter)

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