Chapter 460 I Am Not You
Obviously, all these worries are unnecessary.

It was dawn, and the woman in his arms was still there. She nestled in his arms like a lazy kitten, and she would make baby sounds from time to time, teasing him who had no resistance in the early morning.

He glanced out the window, then looked at the woman in his arms with distress.

The two of them chatted so late yesterday that they didn't go to sleep, she must be exhausted, right?
While she was still soundly asleep, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, went into the bathroom to wash up, and was ready to go downstairs to buy her breakfast after washing up.

Not long after Yan Yifeng left, Jie Yiyi couldn't feel his breath and warmth, so he opened his eyes.

After touching the side, it was empty, and for a while, she lost all sleepiness.

Sitting up from the bed~, she glanced around with the corner of her eye, but she didn't see his figure, so she was a little anxious.

Quickly kicking off the quilt, she jumped out of bed and pushed open the bathroom door.

At this time, Yan Yifeng had just finished bathing, hadn't put on his clothes yet, and was completely naked.

Seeing this woman who suddenly barged in, he had a hint of surprise on his face.

If it were before, Jie Yiyi would have left the room shyly.

But this time she didn't, instead she took the initiative to hug him.

After making sure he was still there, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Her actions made Yan Yifeng conquer again, but he quickly came back to his senses and hugged her back, "What's wrong?"

Without hiding anything, Jie Yiyi confessed honestly, "I thought you were gone!"

With a chuckle, Yan Yifeng couldn't laugh or cry, because he was afraid that it was just a dream, so he would guard her until dawn, and he didn't want to close his eyes when he was sleepy. How could he be willing to leave her?
"Stupid woman, I will never leave you in this life." He didn't dislike her clinginess at all, but felt a sense of happiness and enjoyment.

"En." She responded lightly, and after a few seconds, she spoke again, "Yan Yifeng, I want to cherish our time together."

This tone is weird, like parting from life and death...

But at this moment, Yan Yifeng, how would he know the meaning of that sentence?

He bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek, he let her go, "Hey, go out first, I'll get dressed."

The enthusiasm hasn't faded yet, Jie Yiyi took his clothes, and said politely, "I'll help you wear them!"

Grabbing her hand and kissing it, he approved.

Although there was still a cold expression on his face, in his heart, he was already happy.

After putting on the trousers for him, when he was about to put on his shirt, he saw the gauze tape wrapped around his arm, with red blood seeping out.

There was a flash of distress in her heart, and she frowned fiercely, "Your hand hasn't healed yet, how can you touch the water?"

She unwrapped his gauze, blood and water were intertwined, although the stitched thread was not broken, but it was torn in several places.

Maybe it was because of the water, it was a little inflamed, and the wound was shocking and painful.

But Yan Yifeng smiled with his lips indifferently, "Do you feel distressed?"

Jie Yiyi glared at him, and said in a complaining tone, "You're so hurt, why are you still laughing?"

"I'm going to call the doctor to help you treat the wound."

Yan Yifeng put his arms around her waist and told her to sit down, "Don't call the doctor, help me!"

"Why? I don't understand these things."

"If you bandage it yourself, the wound will heal faster."

She laughed, and only then did she realize that Yan Yifeng is also a childish guy...

(End of this chapter)

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