Chapter 461 I Am Not You
That warning voice made her heart skip a beat, she didn't reply, but hugged him even tighter.

Pressing her face against his chest, she said from the bottom of her heart: Yan Yifeng, I don't expect you to forgive me, I only want you to be happy!

Even if you hate me again, I will still be happy.

Although it doesn't last forever, but happiness, we have had it after all...

The two hugged each other for an unknown how long before Jie Yiyi pushed him away and continued to deal with his unfinished wound.

And Yan Yifeng, as if appreciating a painting, does not move his eyes, and does not want to let go of even a small detail.

After treating the wound, Jie Yiyi carefully put on the shirt for him.

It's already ten o'clock after all this work.

Jie Yiyi felt more and more that there was not enough time.

But Yan Yifeng didn't think so, he hoped that he could take her back to Yan's house sooner.

Holding her waist, he took her out of the ward and was going to take her downstairs for breakfast.

But as soon as the door was opened, a woman quickly stepped forward and blocked their way.

Without Miss Qianjin's arrogant posture, she looks ordinary and downcast in front of her.

She was wearing a set of red casual sportswear, which was completely different from the usual domineering and domineering in front of her.

Isn't she exactly Jie Momo?She was very surprised, what wind brought her here?
In the past at Yan's house, thinking that they still have sisterhood, she would observe politeness and say hello to her, but not now...

Glancing at her coldly, she took Yan Yifeng's hand and left in a detour.

But, what she didn't expect was that just when she was about to leave, Jie Momo knelt down in front of her with a plop.

In her eyes, even full of tears.

Her sudden kneeling forced them to stop.

In the Yan family, she has been with Jie Momo for more than ten years, but she still doesn't know her character?For her, her face and dignity are often more precious than money.

This sudden kneeling surprised Jie Yiyi a lot, and she couldn't bear her kneeling, so she frowned and said, "Jie Momo, why are you crazy?"

Jie Momo wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, her voice choked up, "Jie Yiyi, only you can save me now."

Jie Yiyi didn't understand what she meant, she had nothing to do with Jie's family now, even if something happened, she couldn't protect herself now, why would you help her?
However, in this hospital, there are a lot of people coming and going, and it is not an option to keep her going like this. After grabbing her hand, she said angrily, "Jie Momo, can you stop being ashamed here? What's the matter?" Come to think of it, I am not your ancestor!"

Jie Momo would not get up, kneeling even more dead, "I can't afford it, unless you promise to help me!"

He looked up at Yan Yifeng, his face was expressionless, after experiencing so much, Jie Yiyi's heart was already indifferent, she let go of her hand, and said coldly, "Then you can kneel here alone!"

"You..." Hearing this, Jie Momo quickly stood up from the ground. Although he was not convinced, he was holding back with all his strength. The voice was three parts pleading and seven parts goodwill, "Jie Yiyi, my mother came in Prison, you know?"

The forward steps stopped, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth. Sure enough, she only thought of the value of her existence when she reached a dead end.

When the mother and daughter bullied her in the Yan family, why didn't they think about today?
After a few seconds of silence, Jie Yiyi turned around pretending to be calm, "Does it have something to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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