Chapter 463 I Am Not You
"There is no need to investigate Zhong Guifang's case, and she will be convicted directly. There are three other people who trafficked drugs with her. Find a way to get her to speak up and track down her whereabouts!"

"As for the crime, let's wait until she successfully rehabilitates and repents!"

Although the phone was not Yan Yifeng, he could still hear the Jade Emperor's voice without any doubts. His response came from over there, "It's Mr. Yan, please take care of the case!"

"When will Mr. Yan be free, let's go out for a meal together? It's convenient for us to discuss..."

Yan Yifeng didn't have time to listen to him, and didn't give him a chance to finish speaking, so he hung up the phone coldly.

Jie Momo's eyes were red, and she clenched her fists tightly.

What he meant just now couldn't be more obvious. Instead of helping her, he directly convicted her!

If you don't talk about it in vain, you will hurt your mother...

Yan Yifeng threw the phone into her arms, and before she could speak, Jie Momo went crazy, grabbed his collar, and roared, "It's fine if you don't help me, why are you doing this?"

"My mother didn't take ~ drugs, she was framed, you don't speak justice...I want you to return her innocence!"

From birth to now, no one dared to touch him like this!

Frowning tightly, he squinted at her, seeing that she didn't show any restraint, and his cold eyes emitted a dangerous warning.

Jie Yiyi understands Yan Yifeng's character, as long as he is willing, there is no justice or injustice at all, and no one can change the things he decides.

Hitting him with a knife and a gun will only lead to death.

She stepped forward to stop her from going on, "Jie Momo, calm down!"

"Calm down? Your mother was framed and sent to prison, can you calm down?"

Mother……?The smile on the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth became stronger, and she said calmly, "At least, I won't look like a lunatic!"

Nothing could be more abominable than the direct deprivation of life.Like her, when her mother went to prison, she came to her to play tricks?What about her?Whom to turn to to complain about God's injustice?
Not only was Jie Momo not calm, on the contrary, as if hearing some ridiculous joke, her tone was full of sarcasm, "That's right, I forgot, you don't have a mother at all, so how could you understand my feelings?"

Her words hit her weak point, and the smile on her face was a bit stiff.

Yan Yifeng's face became angry, and the motive of killing flashed in his eyes, he pushed Jie Momo away indifferently, and stepped forward to teach her a lesson.

However, Jie Yiyi stopped him, the sweet smile had already returned to her pink face, and she tiptoed to straighten Yan Yifeng's collar that was wrinkled by her.

Jie Momo looked a little dumbfounded, she didn't realize what she meant...

The next second, she withdrew from Yan Yifeng's arms, walked towards her, and asked coldly, "Is this the attitude you came to ask me for?"

Her reminder made Jie Momo realize the real purpose of coming here.

Just now, she was impulsive and forgot to restrain her temper. She can no longer yell at her like before. Now the only person who can save her is her, "I..."

She didn't even have the minimum respect, and couldn't arouse Jie Yiyi's sympathy at all. She smiled and said, "I just have the ability to make Yan Yifeng speak, but why do you think I should help you?"

"Just because you used to bully me? Huh?"

"Don't be naive, I'm not as kind as I thought."

(End of this chapter)

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