Chapter 464 I Am Not You
Jie Momo's heart was cold, and she was angry with her answer, " mean, even if you have the ability, you are not willing to help me, right?"

Taking Yan Yifeng's arm, Jie Yiyi answered honestly, "Yes!"

If she changed her attitude and begged her for help, maybe she would consider talking to Yan Yifeng, but why should she be a good person with such vile sarcasm?
Jie Momo clenched her fists tightly, but with Yan Yifeng backing her up, she couldn't get angry, her face flushed, and she didn't dare to shout loudly until their figures disappeared in the corridor, "Jie Yiyi, remember me!" Live, one day, you will regret everything you did and said today!!"

Yan Yifeng hugged her waist tightly, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Hey, with me here, no one will touch you!"

Jie Yiyi looked up at his deep black eyes, the smile on her lips was replaced by sadness.

"What's wrong?" Noticing the expression on her face, Yan Yifeng asked gently.

Jie Momo's roar was still echoing in the corridor, Jie Yiyi suppressed her emotions, shook her head and said, "It's nothing..."

After a few seconds, she seemed to think of something, and she said again, "Jie Momo said so convincingly, Zhong Guifang took drugs, was she framed?"

"What? Are you going to help her?" He raised his eyebrows, and he asked back?
How can?She doesn't want to be a good person! !Rescue Zhong Guifang, maybe their mother and son will bite her back.

She denied, "Of course not, I was just asking casually!"

A slight smile appeared on Yan Yifeng's lips, "You changed? I thought you would soften your heart!! However, I didn't intend to lock her up for too long and arrest her, just to get information about someone from her mouth!"

"Huh?" A trace of shock flashed across his face, why did Yan Yifeng and Shaofan say something different?
Shaofan said that Zhong Guifang took ~ drugs no longer a day or two!Moreover, it was his friend who called the police!

"So, Zhong Guifang was really framed?" She questioned.

An unpredictable light flashed in Yan Yifeng's eyes, "You don't need to worry about these things... Those who are greedy for money must bear the price!"

Although she was curious about why Yan Yifeng did this, but if he didn't say anything, she was too embarrassed to break the bottle and ask the end.

He just silently lowered his eyes, and answered, "Yes."

Thinking about how many years she had stayed in Zhong Guifang's house, she added, "However, don't go too far, after all, she is innocent."

"Stupid!" He pinched her nose fondly, and he led her into the elevator.

Like these small shops, not to mention eating, even entering, Yan Yifeng feels very dirty.

But seeing Jie Yiyi eating so happily, his mood also improved involuntarily.

Putting down his noble status and eating these cheap things with her, he didn't feel humble, on the contrary, he had a happy experience that he had never had before...

The young couple on the opposite side were feeding each other, and they didn't forget to wipe each other's mouths after eating.

Yan Yifeng, on the other hand, learned naturally.The mouths of the two were obviously clean, but Yan Yifeng insisted on wiping her mouth...

Looking at each other at such a close distance, and doing such intimate actions, each other's heartbeats will always become unusual, a little bit faster, and even the rhythm will slow down and become unnatural...

I don't know how long it took until the waiter came to check out, and the embarrassing atmosphere ended...

(End of this chapter)

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