Chapter 481 I Am Not You
Yan Yifeng smiled at her again, but the smile opened the wound. He raised his hand, clasped her head, touched her lips, and eagerly asked for it.

The people in the car cast strange glances one after another.

Especially Yu Shaofan, with obvious concern in his eyes.

Jie Yiyi didn't push him away, and let him ask for it hungrily.

That crazy snatching, as if, at this moment, he was not injured at all.

However, only he himself knows how deadly it is.

After an unknown amount of time, her lips were loosened, and when Jie Yiyi opened her eyes again, she was already at the door of the operation.

The doctor was pushing the cart and was about to go in, but Yan Yifeng held onto her hand tightly, "Come in with me!"

Why is it because she is afraid that she will leave quietly while he is undergoing the operation.

Before Jie Yiyi agreed, the doctor had already said, "Mr. Yan, during the operation, no one else is allowed to enter except the hospital and nurses, otherwise it will affect the success of the operation!"

"You fucking shut up!" He glared at him and roared angrily.

"Mr. Yan..." The doctor was very embarrassed.

Jie Yiyi knew what Yan Yifeng was wary of... He was afraid that she would leave.

"Yan Yifeng, this is the hospital's regulation. Don't embarrass the doctor. You are very weak and must undergo surgery immediately. I will wait for you outside."

Yan Yifeng frowned, lifted the quilt, and sat up from the bed~, "You fucking want to take this opportunity to leave me?"

"Don't forget, what you promised me just now, you promised me that you will not go abroad with Yu Shaofan!!"

When he sat up, blood flowed too much, Jie Yiyi was very distressed, she stepped forward and hugged him, "Yan Yifeng, you think too much!"

"I don't care, anyway, you have to accompany me in, otherwise, I'll have a fucking surgery!"

Jie Yiyi is very clear about Yan Yifeng's character.

Her complexion changed, and she let go of him indifferently, "The doctor said that if I go in, it will affect the success of your operation, don't you understand?"

"If you don't want me to leave, just obediently perform the operation immediately!!"

"If you become disabled and paralyzed on the bed~, I will go far away immediately. Who wants to waste their youth on a disabled person?"

"If you get upset, I will never talk to you for the rest of my life, and let you fend for yourself."

Yan Yifeng lay back on the bed obediently, with his mouth hooked slightly, "You fired the gun, and if you become disabled, you are also responsible. You must stay by my side and take care of me for the rest of my life!"

Jie Yiyi's heart was broken, she smiled wryly, "Fool, what are you talking about, you will be fine, go in, wait for you to come out!"

"Give me a promise that you won't leave!"

Put a kiss on his lips, "Yan Yifeng, no matter what, you have to get through it, I'll wait for you here!"

Yan Yifeng smiled in satisfaction, "Don't worry, I won't die!"

"Wake up, if I can't see you!"

"I will personally put a bullet in your chest!"

"Even if it hurts! I want you to spend the rest of your life lying on the bed~ and tearing off your wings. I don't believe that you can still fly!"

Her heart was hurting, but her face was smiling, "Yan Yifeng, you are so long-winded!"

"Jie Yiyi, I love you!"

When being pushed into the operating room, Yan Yifeng still held Jie Yiyi's hand tightly, unwilling to let go...

Afterwards, Jie Yiyi's hand was still restrained after being forcibly pulled away.

With a distance of one millimeter, the bullet will shoot through the heart. Yan Yifeng has a strong will, and the operation went smoothly.

But when he woke up, everything changed, and Jie Yiyi still left him.

(End of this chapter)

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