Chapter 482 I Am Not You
Only a recording of the phone call was left, "Yan Yifeng, please forgive me for cheating again. In this world, there are too many things that should not have happened to us. As I said, love does not necessarily mean being together to be perfect. Over time , you will find that you are not me, and I am not you! Time will forget everything, forget me!"

That night.

Look away from the dark window.

Jie Yiyi squatted on the ground, hugged her knees tightly, and let the coldness outside the window invade her over and over again.

The wind was originally gentle, but when it fell on her body, it turned into a raging blade, cutting her.

This is the punishment she deserves.

She has gone abroad.

Abandoned him when he needed her most.

She knew that if she died, she would definitely go to the eighteenth floor of hell and never be reborn.

Yan Yifeng was hurt for her, but she left mercilessly...

She didn't keep her promise to him.

The reality is crueler than we imagined.

We think we can control everything, but in many cases, we can't help it.

She didn't dare to blame anyone, she only blamed fate...

Yan Yifeng's operation was successful, and this was the only thing she could relax about.

Can it be later?Will he recover well?
She was not afraid that he would hate her, but that he would not take good care of herself.

Is Yan Yixi reliable?

Before leaving, he promised her that he would take good care of Yan Yifeng.

She hadn't touched him, but they were brothers...

Before leaving, Yan Yixi brought a woman.

He asked her to stay with Yan Yifeng to take care of her.

She has no right to be jealous, but her heart is throbbing.

Maybe, in the near future, Yan Yifeng will forget her completely.

However, she has no qualifications to let him remember.


Holding the knife that had finished peeling the fruit tightly in her hand, she stroked the position of her chest.

There, he was whipped and bitten by Yan Yifeng.

However, no matter how painful it was at that time, it couldn't compare to the bullet in Yan Yifeng suffocating his heart.

That was their most painful experience with each other.

Although it hurts, she doesn't want to forget it.

Picking up the sharp knife, she held the handle with her backhand and pushed it hard into her chest.

Blood sprayed out like beautiful fireworks.

That pain is real.

instead of her heartache.

Touching the bright red blood, she smiled.

She won't let Yan Yifeng bear the pain alone, she will suffer with him!

Only in this way can the feeling of guilt be reduced.

Only in this way, she will not be so painful.

With a sound of "squeak", the door was pushed open, seeing blood overflowing all over the ground, Yu Shaofan rushed over excitedly, grabbed her shoulder, "Yiyi, what are you doing?"

She actually stabbed this knife into her heart?Is she crazy?
Wave after wave of pain invaded her nerves, Jie Yiyi pushed him away, "Shaofan, get out and leave me alone!"

How could Yu Shaofan not care about this kind of thing, she picked him up and was about to walk out the door, but Jie Yiyi resisted him, "Don't touch me, let me hurt for a while."

Yu Shaofan frowned tightly, his eyes were red, "Yiyi, for him, is it worth it for you to do this?"

"It's worth it! At least this way, I'll feel better!"

"Don't be stupid! You and him are impossible to be together!! Yan Yifeng's father made a bet with Yan Yifeng's uncle. If you are with Yan Yifeng, he will transfer the highest decision-making power of the Yan Family Consortium to his uncle! !So, no matter what, he won’t let you be together, even if it means letting you die!! You managed to get out of his clutches, don’t fall into it again!!”

(End of this chapter)

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