Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 483 Love or Enemy, You Choose 1

Chapter 483 Love or Enemy, You Choose 1
What Yu Shaofan was talking about, Jie Yiyi didn't want to listen at all, and couldn't listen, she shook her head, "Shaofan, you go out first, I want to be alone!"

Why didn't she know that it was impossible for her to be with Yan Yifeng?
His father was a hundred times more cruel and terrifying than a devil!
For profit, use your son to bet with others?

For the sake of face, make a joke of your son's life?


Such a vicious father, what else can he not do?

But the love is deep, she doesn't want to worry too much, she just wants to love so foolishly, even if there is no result...

Although she also loved Yu Shaofan.

But maybe, that's not love, just pure liking and infatuation.

Love is like looking at flowers in a fog, a dream, a painting, a poem, a novel, a prose, a set of philosophy, an artistic conception, longing and fantasy.

Love is, water comes, you wait for him in the water, fire comes, you wait for him in the ashes.

Love is giving, it is self-giving, and it does not expect an equal exchange at all.

Love is a kind of heartache, the vibrato that stirs people's hearts.

Love to heartbreak, but also feel sweet.

When that bullet entered his heart, she felt for the first time how important and precious he was in her life.

As long as he lives, she can do anything.

Whether they love each other or not has become secondary.

However, why is Yu Shaofan not like this?

Seeing her like this now, he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

Although she is decadent for other men.

Wrapped around her waist, regardless of her struggle, carried her out of the room.

Because of the pain, the body gradually becomes weak.

At this moment, it is already late at night.

Although there are Yu Shaofan's family doctors here, they are all men.

Yu Shaofan naturally wouldn't want to let them touch her.

Fortunately, her strength is small, and the penetration is not very deep.

However, a lot of blood was also shed.

When the knife was pulled out, Jie Yiyi woke up from the pain, Yu Shaofan just wanted to untie her clothes, but she stopped her.

Except for Yan Yifeng who is used to touching her, she instinctively resists any man who touches her skin.

Her mind surprised him. After a moment of stiffness, he said, "Yiyi, I don't have any other thoughts about you, I just treat your wound!"

She shook her head and got up from him, "Shaofan, I'll do it myself!"

Yu Shaofan was a little angry, but he didn't show it in his tone, "Yiyi, it's already this time, can you stop being brave?"

"I didn't try to be brave, I can really do it myself."

She keeps rejecting him.

From the moment she divorced, she had regarded him as an outsider.

No matter what he does... No matter how hard he tries, in her eyes, it is all vain.

In her heart, there is only Yan Yifeng.

She clearly promised him that she would not fall in love with Yan Yifeng, how could she slip up?

"Yan Yifeng can touch you any way you want, I, out of good intentions, will treat your wounds for you, do you mind so much and resist me?"

He asked, with a hint of sadness and heartache in his voice.

He wanted to give in obscurity, but she didn't even give him this chance.

He was tired and hurt, but he never complained.

Her smile to Yan Yifeng was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Her kindness to Yan Yifeng was like a five-flavor bottle that was knocked over in his throat.

Her love for Yan Yifeng is like the deadliest knife, which ruthlessly invades his chest.

"Yiyi, tell me, how can I be inferior to Yan Yifeng, I will change, and I will be better than him."

(End of this chapter)

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