Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 485 Love or Enemy, You Choose 3

Chapter 485 Love or Enemy, You Choose 3
The room was pitch black, and the hazy moonlight slanted in from the outside, stretching the shadow on the bed very long...

It was a handsome, flawless face, and the deep outline, like a Greek statue, fascinated people at first glance.

It's just that his complexion is not good, his brows are tightly knit, and his face is pale, like a piece of white paper that has been crumpled and uneven.

Those empty, melancholy eyes made people feel distressed.

He was half lying down, with the quilt covering his lower body, and the IV drip that he had pulled out was placed beside him.

He has been in this state since he woke up from the operation.

Don't take medicine, don't give fluids, and don't let anyone get close.

With so many unbearable memories in the hospital, he returned to Yan's house despite the rain.

The scene that happened with her in his mind was like an ocean wave, constantly crashing against him, making his heart ache...

"In the past, I didn't go back to Yan's house with you because I didn't like you and didn't want to live with you."

"Then what do you mean now, admit that you like me?"

"Your obedience, including your every move, is not because of other reasons, but because you are in love with me?"

"Well. I admit it!"

"You're right. I'm really deceiving myself. I'm a coward. I never dared to admit my love to you!"

"Since that day, I have thought a lot... Although my identity is incompatible with you, but feelings, regardless of status, no matter what happens in the future, I just want to cherish every inch of time with you now!"

"Because falling in love with you is a very happy thing!"

"Maybe, you won't believe what I said, but at this moment, I only have you in my heart."

"Yan Yifeng, if one day I leave you, will you hate me?"

"You fucking want to leave me?!"

"I'm just saying if..."

"In case..."

"Yan Yifeng, have you ever loved me?"

"Why? So far you still refuse to believe me?"

"I believe it, but I want to get the answer from you more."

"Then from now on, you must say 'I love you' to me more than three times a day"

"Repeating that sentence every day, don't you find it annoying?"

"Yan Yifeng, I am very lucky to meet you, you are so kind to me!"

"Don't tell me, you were moved when I bought you ice cream?"

"I was moved by that cup of ice cream, isn't it?"

"Back when I booked the entire amusement park for you and set off fireworks for you, why didn't you hug me and cry? Lovely!"

"that is because……"

"That's because I didn't like you back then!"

"Yan Yifeng, we... are really not suitable!"

"Idiot, you out-and-out idiot, why are you so stupid?"

"Who told you to shoot, who said I don't believe you, I do, I have always believed in you."

"No, I believe you if you are not hurt."

"If you dare to fall, you will ignore you for the rest of your life."

"Do you love me?"


"If you become disabled and paralyzed on the bed~, I will go far away immediately. Who wants to waste their youth on a disabled person?"

"If you get upset, I will never talk to you for the rest of my life, and let you fend for yourself."

"Yan Yifeng, please forgive me for cheating again. In this world, there are too many things that should not have happened to us. As I said, love does not necessarily mean being perfect together. Over time, you will find that you are not I can't, and I can't you! Time will forget everything, forget me!"

Ah!What an ironic, ridiculous scene!Talking about love, but when he needed her the most, she left him...

Where did that once kind and innocent Jie Yiyi go?

Who taught her indifference?
(End of this chapter)

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