Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 486 Love or Enemy, You Choose 4

Chapter 486 Love or Enemy, You Choose 4
Just as he was in a trance of memories, the door of the room was gently pushed open...but Yan Yifeng was still immersed in his own world.

Michelle - strict, that is, Yan Yifeng's father, a woman sent back from Europe.

European household registration, because she was born since she was a child, her elegant temperament and beautiful face are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

She is good at many languages, Yan Yifeng knows it, she knows all of them...

Although his family background is not as good as Yan Yifeng's, it is not behind.

Otherwise, how can you get into the eyes of the old man?
Michelle was chosen when she strictly learned that Yan Yifeng had picked out the little pickle for Jie Yiyi.

Following Jie Yiyi's temperament, he found a pure, immature and understanding girl.

Standing by the door, she held a tray with food and medicine in her hands.

Feng, since returning from the operation, has been sitting here depressed, without changing his posture or moving.

Several servants who came in were all driven out by him.

Several servants tried to dissuade her, telling her not to hit the gun, but how would you know the result if you didn't come in and try?

He would not eat or drink, refused to change the medicine, refused to take the medicine, his face became more and more haggard, and anyone who saw it would feel distressed.

Why he was shot, she also came to a lot of conclusions from other people's gossip, he was for a woman.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, when the Yan family held a banquet, they had already met.

The first time they met, she was fascinated by his handsomeness.

With his handsome face, intimidating aura, and demeanor of a king, how many women think of him as Prince Charming?
At that time, amidst the rushing crowd, a maid with a drink accidentally bumped into him and spilled the drink all over him.

It was her, handing him the handkerchief.

He raised his eyes, and those deep and indifferent eyes met hers,

Like a sudden hug, it makes people warm and fascinated.

But he didn't notice her emotion.

He had a bit of disdain for her, but he still took the handkerchief.

He didn't say anything, just left her a back view.

Yes, when she got the news from her mother that she had returned to China to serve Feng, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

In the painting studio, I painted his portrait all night.


Now that he is sick, she naturally cannot sleep.

With a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, she walked towards Yan Yifeng.

When she came to her, she put down the items in her hands.

Coincidentally, she caught sight of the drip that he had pulled out, and she frowned slightly, with a worried look on her face.

"Feng, the doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory potions. Your wound is a bit deep. If you don't get an IV drip on time, the wound will not heal easily."

Yan Yifeng had a cold face.

Michelle continued to speak, "Feng, you haven't eaten for two days. I made porridge for you. Eat a little."

Seeing that Yan Yifeng didn't answer, she lowered her head, picked up the bowl of hot water, picked it up with a spoon, and blew it carefully.

Then handed it to him.

Unable to stand the woman in front of him talking, he raised his eyes and roared impatiently, "Get out!!"

Michelle has long been mentally prepared, and she will not give up easily.

Not only did he not leave, but instead, he sat down beside the bed, "Feng, I will leave after you finish eating this!"

No one dares to touch this bed except Jie Yiyi, she is fine! !Without his consent, he sat down directly.

At the bottom of the eyes, there is not only indifference, but also anger, "I repeat, get out!!"

(End of this chapter)

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