Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 490 Love or Enemy, You Choose 8

Chapter 490 Love or Enemy, You Choose 8
From the very beginning, he knew that Jie Bailiang and Jie Momo treated her badly, and she was often framed by them.

When she was in junior high school, she and Jie Momo went to the same school. At that time, they went to a famous school, which was far away from Jie's house, so they only came back once a week, and lived in the school for the rest of the time.

However, Jie Momo was so vicious that he stole her wallet and made her starve for a week.

At that time, it was he who sent someone to pick her up, had a meal at the restaurant and paid for the trip home.

She was a fool, thinking it was the proprietress of the restaurant, and she kindly helped her. As a result, during the years when she was in junior high school, she went to the restaurant to help her when she was free.

It was at the restaurant that she met Yu Shaofan.

He fell in love with her at first sight. A young master like him shouldn't have eaten in this kind of restaurant, but for her...he ran there every day.

Later, they fell in love.

He laughed. He should have stopped them, but he didn't. Not only did he not break them up, but he got them engaged...

The idea at the beginning was to let her have nothing and let her feel the pain of losing her lover and relatives.

Therefore, he has been waiting silently, and finally, on the eve of the engagement, he kidnapped her and took her.

At that time, he had an extremely strong mentality of revenge, and even had the thought of beating and torturing her to death.

But he made a mistake...he got himself stuck in it, and he couldn't get out of it.

If Jie Yiyi knew the truth of all this, perhaps, she would never forgive him in her whole life.

Even if she was tempted by him...

He admitted that his past was full of calculations, revenge, and hatred...

Tortured her so horrible that his biological father spent his whole life in prison, and he still couldn't recognize her...

By now, he smiled.

Looking back and thinking about how hateful I am, how can I blame her for being cruel?

He is unforgivable, and God is punishing him.

She was once cursed by him, and she cursed him that she would never be happy and never be loved.

Now the spell is fulfilled.

he lost

Everything is lost!

Europe, 1:00 noon.

Yu Shaofan went out to do errands, and Jie Yiyi left the castle when the servants were not paying attention.

The wound was still excruciatingly painful, but she was wearing a coat, and no one could tell that she had been injured except for her pale face.

Here, although she is a stranger, she bought a map so that she would not get lost.

According to the address on the map, she came to a tattoo parlor and walked in.

There are waiters coming out to entertain.

He politely opened his mouth and asked, "Welcome, what service do you need, miss?"

In the past few months, Jie Yiyi has been studying English very hard. She can understand what she said, and she replied fluently, "I want to get a tattoo."

"Please follow me." It was a man who greeted her.

He took out many styles for her and let her choose.

Jie Yiyi refused, and she handed him a piece of paper from her manuscript, "I want this."

There are no tricks, only a simple word of wind.

The man smiled at her and made an OK gesture.

When he was about to go in, Jie Yiyi stopped him, "Wait..."

"Miss, what else is there!"

"I want another lady!"

"OK, no problem."

Afterwards, Jie Yiyi followed a woman into the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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