Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 491 Love or Enemy, You Choose 9

Chapter 491 Love or Enemy, You Choose 9
Under the faint light, the woman who led her into the room told her to lie down.

Jie Yiyi lay down according to her wishes, where her tattoo was on her chest.

The white sheet was covering her body, and Jie Yiyi took off her top carefully.

Because of the wound on her chest, if she pulled it lightly, it would be unbearably painful, so her movements were very slow.

Xiaozi, who led her in, was preparing the equipment.

When she was ready, Jie Yiyi had already taken off.

When she saw the unhealed wound on her chest, she frowned slightly.

Immediately, she said, "Are you injured?"

Jie Yiyi looked up, she was not startled by her sweet voice, but by her fluent Chinese.

She was wearing a pink mask, which covered half of her face, but it didn't affect her beauty. She had thick eyebrows and big eyes, so she might be a pretty girl.

Smiling at her, Jie Yiyi asked, "Are you Chinese?"

She had no expression on her face, and after a while, she responded, "Yes."

It is not surprising that many Chinese people will come to develop abroad, but Jie Yiyi feels that it is kind of kind.

However, the pain of the wound prevented her from saying much.

Instead, Xiaozi opened her mouth again, "You have a wound here, and you can't get tattooed. If you get tattooed, the wound may be seriously inflamed."

"Besides, we don't use anesthesia, can you bear the pain?"

The voice was not as sweet as before, but a little serious.

After going through so much, these pains are already considered trivial matters for her.

Besides, before coming, she had already thought of the pain, she nodded lightly, "It's okay, I can bear it!"

Xiaozi saw her persistence.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, "If that's the case, then I'll try it!"

"If you're in pain, just tell me and we'll stop immediately." She cared a little.

Only when it hurts can we always remember, "Okay!"

Looking at the word 'wind' on the manuscript, Xiaozi's eyes were filled with waves.

It was just for a moment, she shouldn't have asked, but she still asked, "Is this person very important to you?"

There was a trace of affection in her tone, as if she also knew this 'wind'.

Do they know each other?Jie Yiyi looked at her face.

Xiaozi quickly avoided her eyes and coughed lightly, "I don't mean anything else, I'm just asking casually, don't take it to heart!"

Perhaps she was too worried, Jie Yiyi lowered her eyes and answered her question, "Well, he is the one I love!"

After that, the room fell silent.

Only, those fleshy, resisting, screaming voices of pain.

Like a silver needle, or a knife, it was tossing and turning on the edge of her wound, very painful...

But at the position of her heart, there is already a clear mark, it is not ordinary, it is wind.

This was perhaps the most impulsive thing she did in her life.

The pain had already paralyzed her whole body, and she kept her eyes open until the whole process was completed.

The wound had already been stabbed bloodthirsty, but the word wind was as beautiful as a demonic flower, tapping on her heart.

After saying goodbye to the Chinese girl, I left.

She has nowhere to go now, she can only go back to Yu Shaofan's castle.

When she got back there, it was almost dark.

Rows of maids in European-style uniforms stood outside the castle gate, and Yu Shaofan, standing in front of them, reprimanded one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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