Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 492 Love or Enemy, You Choose 10

Chapter 492 Love or Enemy, You Choose 10
Rows of maids in European-style uniforms stood outside the castle gate, and Yu Shaofan, standing in front of them, reprimanded one after another.

That ferocious appearance is completely different from Yu Shaofan who is usually gentle to her.

Jie Yiyi sneaked out when they were not paying attention.

Seeing her coming back, the servant wanted to speak, but Jie Yiyi made a shh gesture.

They kept silent, Yu Shaofan's cold and angry voice continued.

"Before I left, how did I explain to you? I said, it depends on Yiyi, and she can't make any mistakes. How do you do things?"

"Yiyi just came here, and she's not familiar with the place. If something goes wrong, can you afford it? Huh?!"

Knowing that Jie Yiyi is not fluent in English, Yu Shaofan replaced all the servants here with Chinese ones before going abroad.

If you use English, you will definitely not be able to hear the anger in it.

There was a three-point warmth in his heart, it was rare that Shaofan was still so nervous about her.

After a while, she burst out laughing and tapped Yu Shaofan on the back.

Yu Shaofan couldn't be more familiar with that laughter.

A certain string in my heart suddenly relaxed.

He turned his head abruptly, perhaps because of the backdrop of the setting sun, her complexion looked a little better today.

She smiled lightly, with curved eyebrows, charming almond eyes, and cherry red lips...

It's obviously just a casual smile, but it outlines a different sense of aesthetics.

Yu Shaofan's heart was beating gently.

She is like the sunshine in spring, the drizzle in summer, the cool wind in autumn, and the warm current in winter, she is so irresistible.

Even if it's just for a moment, it makes people feel very beautiful.

After a few seconds, he came back to his senses, recovered, and asked with concern, "Yiyi, where have you been this afternoon?"

Jie Yiyi answered irrelevantly, "Shaofan, your perfect and gentle image has been ruined."

Did she mean that he just cursed?

Yu Shaofan smiled helplessly, turned sideways, and waved the servants away.

Just now, he jumped over the wall in a hurry, but now, seeing her come back, all emotions dissipated in an instant.

What does it matter if it is ruined?
Holding her shoulder, he said softly, "Yiyi, don't go out alone in the future, you have to relax, I can take you out."

He also thought that she was captured by Yan Yifeng's people, and he specially bought someone at the border to stop her.

Jie Yiyi smiled, even though she hid her weakness, fortunately, she put on some makeup just now, otherwise, if Shaofan found out, it would make him sad again.

"Shaofan, you worry too much. I'm just bored. I wandered around in the back garden. It's fine."

"I've been stuck in the ward for the past few days, and I feel very uncomfortable."

Yu Shaofan seemed to see some emotions, but he didn't say anything, "Well, I went out this afternoon and asked someone to dispense medicine for you, and the wound on your chest will heal soon, and as for the scar, it can be smoothed without plastic surgery. "

Shaofan... Although he didn't specify anything, what he meant was to say that he would get rid of any stern and windy things.

With a bitter smile, even though it is flawed, it is also a perfect flaw.

The bottle he handed over was very small, but the price was outrageous.

She stared at it in a daze for a while, "Actually, I..." After thinking about it, she still took it.

For this thing, Shaofan must have spent a lot of time, right?
She was already very guilty of him, and she dared not refuse any more.

"Go in, your wound hasn't fully healed, you can't blow the wind, you'll get typhoid..."

(End of this chapter)

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