Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 494 Love or Enemy, You Choose 12

Chapter 494 Love or Enemy, You Choose 12
Caressing her hair with a big palm, Yu Shaofan smiled softly, how could he blame him?

Perhaps in the past, money, fame, and status were secondary to him.

But after losing her, he suddenly felt that without these, everything would be vulnerable.

With these, you can protect what you want.

In this chaotic society, cowardly people still want to be respected by the strong?

No, they can only let the arrogant and domineering people step on their feet and bully them.

"I am very grateful to him." After a while, Yu Shaofan spoke up.

There was a faint smile on Jie Yiyi's lips.

She was happy for him to have a grandfather who loved him so much.

She felt relieved that he had such a distinguished status.

It's just that their identities have also changed and gradually distanced.

She didn't know how she could get his care and care.

Shaofan should have a better one.

Without much chatting, the dark scene fell, and Yu Shaofan took her into the castle.

The dinner was ready, he ordered the servant to send her to Jie Yiyi's room, and then sent her upstairs.

The European-style decoration, stepping on the metal-like floor tiles, gives people a feeling of Cinderella entering the palace.

After sending it to the door of the room, Yu Shaofan opened the door for her.

Just as he stepped into the door, a familiar figure flashed past the corner of his eyes.

Jie Yiyi's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately withdrew her feet.

Pushing Yu Shaofan away, he followed the end of the corridor and quickly chased after him.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?" Yu Shaofan shouted behind her.

But Jie Yiyi ignored him and continued walking forward.

Strangely, he seemed to find that someone was chasing him, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Up the stairs and down the stairs, Yu Shaofan has already caught up with her.

At the corner at this time, an elderly man stood with a tray in his hand.

Jie Yiyi frowned, just now...was it him?Why doesn't she look like that?

Out of the corner of her eye, she clearly saw Jiang Yang's back, how could she turn a corner and become him?

It was because she missed Jiang Yang that she had hallucinations.

"Master!" Seeing Yu Shaofan, he bent down to say hello.

Seeing him, Yu Shaofan's worried expression relaxed a little, and then he said, "Yiyi, let me introduce you, he is Uncle Wang, the housekeeper here."

Yu Shaofan's opening brought back her thoughts, and she glanced at the harmonious and kind Uncle Wang, she said politely, "Hi, Uncle Wang!" Miss? Good, beautiful and generous."

Jie Yiyi smiled faintly as a response.

Yu Shaofan beckoned him to leave, "Uncle Wang, go and see, is Miss Jie's dinner ready?"

Wang Bo retreated knowingly.

Jie Yiyi probably knew that she was thinking too much.

She watched Jiang Yang being sent to the crematorium with her own eyes, how could he appear here?

Shaking her head, she stopped thinking about it.

"Yiyi..." Yu Shaofan pushed her shoulder, Jie Yiyi looked at him, before he could ask, she spoke first, "Shaofan, I'm fine."

But Yu Shaofan couldn't help asking, "Yiyi, did you see something? Why did you run after Uncle Wang?"

"Hmm..." she answered honestly, "Uncle Wang's back looks a bit like Jiang Yang's. I thought I saw him."

"Yiyi, do you miss your uncle?" With a consulting tone.

Jie Yiyi smiled bitterly, and stopped talking, "Shaofan, I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to my room first."

(End of this chapter)

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