Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 495 Love or Enemy, You Choose 13

Chapter 495 Love or Enemy, You Choose 13
After eating the meal brought by Uncle Wang, Jie Yiyi sat on the bed for a while, then went into the bathroom.

Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself with your clothes off.

The makeup was removed, and the complexion was frighteningly pale.

Like a beautiful corpse that just stepped out of an ice cave, its lips and face were bloodless.

His eyes gradually became tired.

Touching her chest, the word 'wind' made her heart tremble slightly.

It has been a week since she left Yan Yifeng.

It was just seven days, but it made her feel like half a century had passed.

She really wanted to know if he was doing well...

She didn't deliberately memorize Yan Yifeng's number or recite it, but just by looking at it, she already remembered it firmly in her heart.

She didn't dare to turn on the mobile phone he gave her, but kept it with her all the time.

In the middle of the night, she really wanted to turn it on to see if there was any text message or call from him.

But always be afraid that you will disappoint yourself.

He vaguely remembered the woman getting off from the luxury car when Yan Yixi asked her to leave.

Her straight black and smooth hair hangs down her back, and she wears a pink dress that wraps around her petite body. Her back looks a little familiar.

She seemed to have seen another self.

However, she only saw her silhouette.

She...should be staying by Yan Yifeng's side now, right?
Will she...will take good care of him?
Touching the wound that made her hurt, she asked, "Yan Yifeng... are you okay?"

Her wound didn't hurt, but after a week, there was still no sign of healing.

How long will it take for the wound on Yan Yifeng's chest to heal?a month?two months?Or half a year?
She hated herself so much.

Whenever she closes her eyes, there will always be a pair of eyes staring at her in her mind, which makes her heartache.

That was Yan Yifeng's reluctant eyes when he was sent to the operating room.

He was afraid she would leave, so he asked her to accompany him into the operating room.

Afraid of waking up and losing consciousness, he asked the doctor not to give anesthesia.

I endured the pain through the whole operation...

She is sorry for him.


A man leans against the wall to atone and pray for him.

After a long time, she got into the bathtub.

The water was already cold, but she didn't feel it. She lay down and fell asleep without knowing it.

Wake up the next day.

His head, as if being hit hard by something, was extremely painful.

Her whole body was covered with cold sweat, and her quilt was so heavy that she couldn't breathe...

Looking sideways, she had an IV drip hanging on her hand, while Yu Shaofan was sitting by the side, staring at her unwaveringly.

Those blood-red eyes were full of deep worry and distress.

Lying down was uncomfortable, Jie Yiyi lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but her shoulders were pinned down.

Yu Shaofan's commanding tone reminded her, "Lie down well, you are sick!"

"I want to drink water." She licked her dry lips and said.

Yu Shaofan handed her a glass of water, Jie Yiyi took it, "Thank you!"

After finishing drinking, Yu Shaofan took the cup for her.

Jie Yiyi glanced at his haggard face, and took a step closer to him, she frowned slightly, "Shaofan, what's wrong with you? Did you not sleep well last night?"

"..." Yu Shaofan didn't answer her.

However, Jie Yiyi also found something was wrong.

She remembered that last night, a feeling of coldness invaded her, but her body was so heavy that she couldn't get up at all, and then her eyes sank.

Shouldn't she be in the bathtub?How could it be on the bed~?
Shaofan's tired look is because he took care of her all night?
(End of this chapter)

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