Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 499 Love or Enemy, You Choose 17

Chapter 499 Love or Enemy, You Choose 17
His persistence was not in vain, in exchange for his acceptance.

There is still a long way to go, but she has already taken the first step.

There was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

After eating, Michelle pushed the dining car out.

Sleeping pills were added to the soup, and after a while, Yan Yifeng became sleepy, lying on the bed~ and fell asleep.

Mama Feng was outside, praying with clasped hands, hoping that Mr. Yan would not blame herself.

For the past few days, Yan Yifeng has been half lying on the bed~, unwilling to get out of bed and walk around, and also unwilling to lie down and rest.

So, after much deliberation, she had no choice but to use this method.

The master from Europe called and told her by name to take care of Mr. Yan, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

It's also thanks to Michelle's words, otherwise, why would Mr. Yan eat it?

In order to thank her, Feng Ma went to her room with the ointment, and at this time, Michelle was in the room, drawing a portrait of Yan Yifeng.

Seeing Mama Feng coming in, she immediately stopped writing and got up, and said respectfully, "Mama Feng."

"Miss Xue'er, you are not feeling well, why don't you take a rest?"

Michelle smiled softly, "It's okay, when the wind wakes up, I have to change his medicine!"

"But Mr. Yan..." His body is not allowed to be touched by anyone, even the doctor, can Miss Xueer do it?
If Mr. Yan is dissatisfied, he will definitely suffer again.

"I understand Mama Feng's worry, but how do I know if I don't try it? Feng's wound is already inflamed, but if I don't take good care of it, I'm afraid it will cause sequelae in the future."

Mama Feng sighed softly, "Mr. Yan is usually injured by Ms. Jie..."

Speaking of this, Mama Feng couldn't help but sneered, "Miss Jie took care of him and cared about him, I wish I could be sick for a while longer, but it's a pity..."

Seeing the look on Michelle's face, Mama Feng stopped talking, feeling so hurt that she almost forgot who she was talking to.

"I'm sorry, Miss Xue'er..."

Of course, Michelle doesn't care about these things, and she has no right to care about them, "It's okay, I hope I can talk more about Miss Jie, so that I can understand Feng better."

For some reason, Mama Feng's face darkened a bit.

Indeed, she has always cherished that Miss Jie would return to the Yan family again.

Although she didn't get along with her for a long time, she had a certain relationship.

Miss Jie is also a poor person.

She loves Mr. Yan, but she has never dared to show it on her face. In fact, holding it in her heart, she herself feels uncomfortable, right?
Even though she left for no apparent reason and hurt Mr. Yan so deeply, for some reason, she didn't hate her.

There was even a little worry about her position in Mr. Yan's heart.

Mr. Yan is now injured and needs care and concern.

This Miss Xue'er is good-looking, in good health, and understanding...I'm afraid there will be some sparks between them in the future.

But, this master sent Miss Xueer to take care of Mr. Yan, she has no right to stop her from doing anything.

Anxious in her heart, Michelle seemed to see her worries, and she asked with concern, "Mother Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Mama Feng just came back to her senses. She patted her head and handed her the ointment in her hand, "Oh, look at me. I came to deliver the ointment to you, but I forgot to give it to you. No wonder I've been thinking about it."

Feng's mother covered it up, Michelle took the ointment, and smiled sweeter, "Feng's mother has a heart."

(End of this chapter)

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