Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 500 Love or Enemy, You Choose 18

Chapter 500 Love or Enemy, You Choose 18
In the evening, Michelle arrived at Yan Yifeng's room on time.

After sleeping for a short time, my complexion improved a lot.

Anyway, this is the happiest thing.

Seeing Michelle coming in, Yan Yifeng didn't seem to be as disgusted as before, but just sat quietly on the bed~, looking at the scenery outside the window.

The bustling city that has been bathed by the rain looks brand new, giving people a feeling of coming back again.

If at this moment, there was the woman he wanted by his side, he would definitely take advantage of this little romance and dance with her.

But without her, there is only a haze in his heart that cannot be driven away. He doesn't think about anything, and nothing can enter his eyes.

"Feng... It's time to eat." Michelle's clear voice like a silver bell interrupted his meditation.

He turned sideways and gave her a cold look.

And Michelle took a step closer to him, put her hand on his forehead, touched it lightly, and then revealed a hint of joy, "Feng, your fever has subsided..."

There is a delicate fragrance in front of the nose, it is the smell of body wash, that smell is very familiar...

It aroused his deep yearning, the feeling was as warm as if Jie Yiyi had returned to him and stayed in his arms.

This was originally a happy thing, but Yan Yifeng's face turned dark to the extreme, and his angry voice burst out like hail, "Who told you to touch Jie Yiyi's things?"

Although the smell was very light, he could tell when he smelled it that she was using Jie Yiyi's shower gel.

Michelle took a few steps back in fright, her words were stuck in her throat.

Yan Yifeng lifted the quilt, got out of bed, grabbed her shoulders, and said in a colder voice than before, "Who allowed you to touch her things?"

When Jie Yiyi entered Yan's house, he originally arranged a room for her, but Yan Yifeng couldn't fall asleep without hugging that woman...

So, the two lived in the same room.

But Jie Yiyi left, Mama Feng was afraid that Yan Yifeng would be hurt when he saw something about her, so she sorted out her things and put them in a room.

It just so happened that on the day Michelle came, she didn't prepare daily necessities for her, so she went to get Jie Yiyi's leftover shower gel on her own initiative.

She wanted to say that she didn't mind the things she used, but she didn't think of it, because it angered Yan Yifeng alive.

Her weak shoulders hurt from being pinched, Michelle frowned, but she didn't dare to cry out the pain, and falteringly explained, "Feng, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to touch Miss Jie's things, I just..."

Even if it is something she has used, no one else can touch it.

It's okay if you don't explain, but Yan Yifeng became even more angry when he explained, and threw her to the door, "Do you want to take advantage of Jie Yiyi's absence to make me fall in love with you?"

"Do you want to use her breath to let me dominate you?"

"Get out! Don't be so naive!! She is her, and no one can replace her in this life!!"

Michelle's forehead hit the door, blood stains flowed out, she shook her head, "No, I didn't have this kind of thought, I care about you, it's from the bottom of my heart, I didn't want to use Miss Jie's things to come Let you take care of me, Feng, you have misunderstood me."

Hearing the roaring sound from upstairs, Mama Feng ran up quickly, only to find out that Miss Xue'er had offended him.

She helped her up, and just when she was about to speak, Yan Yifeng's eviction order was issued, "Mama Feng, sweep this scheming woman out of Yan's house!!"

"Jie Yiyi's things, put them back to their original places!! If there is one less thing, you will disappear with me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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