Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 504 Love or Enemy, You Choose 22

Chapter 504 Love or Enemy, You Choose 22
That night, Jie Yiyi suffered from insomnia again, tossing and turning repeatedly, and finally woke up with panda eyes.

After lunch, after reading a book, I heard a passing servant say that Yu Shaofan came back from outside.

Jie Yiyi immediately put down the book, and walked out of the room with the intention of persuading him.

Last night, she thought about it all night, but she still gave up the idea of ​​staying in the castle.

She knew very well that this was not the life she wanted.

She also wants a successful career. Although she can't catch up with Yan Yifeng, at least she has worked hard.

She had already made up her mind when Yan Yifeng's father broke up with them because of their incompatible identities.

No matter what happens in the future, she must create a career so that those who once looked down on her will look at her differently.

She doesn't want to be far from Yan Yifeng, she has to rely on her own efforts to narrow the distance between them.


The door of Yu Shaofan's room was not closed properly, and he could be seen through the crack of the door. He was sitting on the sofa.

She was about to open the door and go in, but the voice from inside stopped her.

Because the voice was so familiar, she even thought she heard it wrong...

"Shaofan, did Yiyi not find anything that afternoon?"

After learning the news of Jie Yiyi's disappearance from the housekeeper, he was so anxious to look around, he forgot to hide himself for a while, and let her see his back.

Yu Shaofan's face was tense, "Fortunately, Uncle Wang showed up in time."

Jiang Yang sat down on the sofa, resting his hands restlessly on his knees, he was a little hard to say, "Shaofan, before going abroad, didn't you tell me that when Yiyi is picked up, our family of three will be reunited?" ? Why now, you won't let me meet Yiyi?" He asked puzzled.

Huang Fulan, who was sitting at the other end, glanced at Jiang Yang, "Why are you in a hurry? If you reveal the truth all at once, how will you let Yiyi adapt?"

Yu Shaofan took a sip of tea, looked at Huangfulan, and approved of her statement, "My thoughts are the same as Sister Lan's."

"Yiyi watched your substitute enter the crematorium, and now a father suddenly appeared, she would not be able to accept it, besides, how should you explain to her about the apartment fire?"

What Yu Shaofan said made Jiang Yang bow his head, and he sighed softly, "I was impulsive."

"Uncle, don't worry, I will arrange for you to recognize Yiyi."

"As for Sister Lan, I will explain to her slowly after Yiyi gets used to the environment here."

"Maybe in a while, Yiyi may not be able to accept you..."

"En." Huang Fulan nodded, she had already worked out her patience in the past ten years, no matter how long it took, she could wait.

"..." They were still talking, but at this moment, the smile on Jie Yiyi's face was completely stiff.

Looking at Jiang Yang's vivid face, she suddenly felt dizzy, and their conversation made her feel even more unreal...

All of this happened so suddenly that she couldn't accept it suddenly.

She desperately suppressed her emotions, but she found that she couldn't calm down at all.

For a second, she wanted to rush in and ask, what happened to all of this?

But at this moment, too many pictures and thoughts flooded her mind, she must calm down! !

Taking a deep breath, she stepped back, but accidentally bumped into the vase behind her, making a movement.

(End of this chapter)

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