Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 505 Love or Enemy, You Choose 23

Chapter 505 Love or Enemy, You Choose 23
"Who?" came a cold questioning voice from inside.

Jie Yiyi panicked and left as if fleeing.

When Yu Shaofan came out, no one saw him, only a cleaning maid.

Out of the corner of Yu Shaofan's eyes, he glanced around, and then approached vigilantly and said, "Just now, someone appeared here?"

This was the first time Yu Shaofan spoke to her, the maid was a little bit surprised and delighted, she raised her eyes, her face was very hot.

After a while, he said falteringly, "Young master, I'm sorry, I alarmed you."

"Just now, I slipped on my feet and accidentally fell, and the cleaner hit the vase."

"However, I checked carefully, and the vase is fine."

His eyes darkened a bit, and he glanced at the vase again. Yu Shaofan's expression relaxed, and he didn't scold him, "Be careful in the future."

"Yes, master." She agreed, and quickly picked up the cleaner.

Yu Shaofan returned to the room, and then closed the door.

However, Jie Yiyi, who was hiding in the corner, stood up.

The maid stepped forward, looked at her first, and then said, "I have done as you said."

"Yes." Jie Yiyi handed her a stack of small money.

The maid took it, and said lightly, "I only helped you because the young master was not talking about commercial secrets. If you dare to frame the young master, I will definitely stand up and sue you."

Jie Yiyi smiled wryly, and asked back, "Shaofan, he is my friend, how could I possibly harm him?"

"I just don't want him to know that I've been here! Do you understand?"

"Well. Don't tell the young master about the money I took from you, otherwise, there will be no place for me in Europe." She said.

That's what she was on guard against.

"You worry too much!" After finishing speaking, Jie Yiyi turned and disappeared into the corridor, and when she returned to the room, she leaned against the wall weakly.

Jiang Yang's words kept echoing in her mind.

"Shaofan, before going abroad, didn't you tell me that when Yiyi is picked up, our family of three will be reunited? Why now? You won't let me meet Yiyi instead?"

A family of three, who is he referring to?
It's like just after riding a roller coaster, my heart is beating violently, is it possible that my mother is still alive in this world? ?

Who is Miss Lan?She was sitting opposite just now, she didn't see her face.

But listening to the voice, she could clearly picture a character in her mind.

who is she?Shaofan's temporary driver?

Impossible... Shaofan will not go abroad with a driver.

But that voice was indeed hers! !

So, she is not just a driver? !

"As for Sister Lan, I will explain to her slowly after Yiyi gets used to the environment here."

"Maybe in a while, Yiyi may not be able to accept you..."

This is what Yu Shaofan told Sister Lan just now.

Who is she?
Why is Jiang Yang still alive?

Was the fire in the apartment a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

Why, she has a feeling of being kept in the dark forever?
From leaving Yan Yifeng to now, she has been sick and tired, without worrying too much about things.

But Yu Shaofan's driver's voice just now reminded her of what Yan Yifeng had said to her when he was at the airport.

"Don't you want to know why I let Ai Shishi leave?"

"I'll tell you right now, in fact, our child's departure has nothing to do with her. She is just a scapegoat. The real murderer is Yu Shaofan who says one thing in front of you and does another behind his back!"

"Yu Shaofan's driver, do you still have any memories? On the day you had a miscarriage, she went to the hospital twice!!! And Ai Shishi flew to Thailand at twelve noon!"

(End of this chapter)

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