Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 506 Love or Enemy, You Choose 24

Chapter 506 Love or Enemy, You Choose 24
She interrupted Yan Yifeng's words before he finished.

But what does this mean...?
It means that the child's departure has something to do with Shaofan and Sister Lan?
My heart hurts so badly, Shaofan... Can he really be so cruel?
"Knock knock..."

At this time, there was a loud knock on the door, interrupting her thoughts.

Her mind is very chaotic now, it feels like a bomb is installed, and it may explode at any time...

What should she do...?Rushing out so recklessly, interrogating Shaofan like a prisoner?
But, she asked, would he answer truthfully?
No, she has to calm down, she must calm down! !

Jiang Yang's matter, mother's matter, child's matter, she has to find out the ins and outs of everything...

If the child was really planned to be lost by Shaofan, she...

While the knock on the door was still going on, she quickly returned to the bed~, picked up the book at the side, and pretended to read it intently.

After a few seconds, she found her voice, raised her eyes and said, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and there were footsteps, and then Yu Shaofan's handsome face appeared in front of her eyes.

He put the snack aside, and then said, "Why did it take you so long to answer?"

Jie Yiyi put down the book and pretended to smile easily, "Maybe I was too engrossed in reading just now."

"What book are you reading?" Yu Shaofan took the book in her hand and read "The President's Precious Pure Wife"

"Huh? Do you like reading romance novels?" He asked in surprise.

Jie Yiyi took back the book, "It's just to pass the time, you're looking for me, what's the matter?"

Yu Shaofan took advantage of the opportunity and sat down beside the bed, and passed the snack over, "I see that you don't eat much for lunch, I'm afraid you'll be hungry, so I ordered the kitchen to make you something to eat."

Even though she didn't have the slightest appetite, Jie Yiyi still took it and took a sip.

Seeing that her mouth was covered with dessert cream, the corners of Yu Shaofan's mouth couldn't help but curl up. His big palm stroked her hair naturally, "Is it delicious?"

"En." Jie Yiyi nodded, and after eating, Yu Shaofan took out a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth.

That movement was very gentle, as if caressing his own treasure, pity...

This made Jie Yiyi stunned, and couldn't help asking, would Shaofan who treated her so tenderly, like what Yan Yifeng said, do one thing in front of her and one thing behind her back?

He is a kind person, he doesn't even have the heart to trample an ant to death, will he hurt her?Will it hurt her child?
They have known each other for five years, she really knows what kind of person Shaofan is...

However, there may be things that she can't figure out.

Why is Jiang Yang still alive and appearing in this castle?

The back figure she saw that afternoon was indeed Jiang Yang, but why didn't Shaofan tell her the truth?
What's the relationship between him and Sister Lan?
How much did he hide from her?How many times have you lied to her?
"Yiyi, what are you thinking, so preoccupied?"

Yu Shaofan's words interrupted her absent-mindedness, she came back to her senses and coped, "Uh... just now, there was a big mystery in that romance novel that hadn't been solved, and I was wondering what the hell was going on ?”

"Oh? Let me hear it? Let me analyze it for you?" Yu Shaofan was curious.

Jie Yiyi smiled brightly, "How could it? It won't look good if the conspiracy is solved by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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