Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 507 Love or Enemy, You Choose 25

Chapter 507 Love or Enemy, You Choose 25
The smile on the corner of Yu Shaofan's mouth faded a bit, although her tone was light, it seemed that there was something in her words.

Thinking of the sound of the vase and the maid's nervous expression outside the door just now, he always vaguely felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

However, maybe it was because he was too nervous about this matter, so he thought about it too much.

"That's right." He agreed.

Jie Yiyi smiled, opened the book again, and continued to read it intently.

But Yu Shaofan stared at Jie Yiyi ecstatically.

This book was brought out by Jie Yiyi from China.

At that time, when she was still living in the hospital with Yan Yifeng, it would be too boring, so she asked Yan Yifeng to go to the bookstore to buy a book for her.

Yan Yifeng bought her a book on business warfare, she scolded him, and he changed the novel after he went back.

When she went abroad, she was reluctant to throw it away, so she brought it out.

In fact, at this time, she didn't care to look at these things.

However, in order not to let Yu Shaofan arouse the suspicion that she left the room just now, she had to put on a show

In the room, everything was quiet.

Yu Shaofan stayed here for about half an hour, then got up, "Yiyi, since you are anxious to see the ending, then I won't bother you. If you need anything, ask the servant to call me in my room."

At this time, Jie Yiyi had already put down the book, "This book is very long, and there is still a long time before the end."

"Shaofan, do you have something to do today?"

Yu Shaofan stopped and turned his face, "The company's affairs have been dealt with this morning, what's the matter?"

Jie Yiyi lifted the quilt, sat beside the bed, and stretched, "Then let's sit down and have a chat."

Looking at Jie Yiyi's casual appearance, Yu Shaofan's gentle eyes deepened a little.

In my impression, Yiyi seemed to have never been so relaxed in front of him.

And, from going abroad to now, which day did she see him, didn't she just avoid him politely and let him leave the room?
Why did you suddenly change your attitude today?This both surprised him and delighted him.

He smiled at her and sat down, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

Thinking of the child, Jie Yiyi felt very bitter in her heart, but on the surface, the smile still remained, "Let's talk about the things we used to go to college."

Yes, Yu Shaofan didn't question why she would suddenly talk about the past, let alone understand the meaning of her words.

The two were as natural as usual, until Jie Yiyi didn't stop talking about graduating from university.

Glancing at Yu Shaofan's profile, she smiled and said, "In my heart, Shaofan has always been a very just, kind, and caring man."

"Whoever marries you will be happy."

Before, she thought so.

Yu Shaofan's smile was a little stiff, and he could see sadness from his face.

In this case, why do you want to give up on me?

It's just that he didn't say this sentence, and changed it, "It should be said that whoever marries you will be the happiest."

"Shaofan, tell me, are there many kind people in this world?"

"Will they one day become bad because of their own interests?"

She spoke lightly, without any emotion in her tone.

Yu Shaofan glanced at Jie Yiyi, today she is different from usual, but if she chooses deliberately, she can't find a reason.

It's weird, but I can't tell, what's wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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