Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 511 Love or Enemy, You Choose 29

Chapter 511 Love or Enemy, You Choose 29
A trace of indifference flashed in his eyes, and he thought of Jie Yiyi's ruthless departure, and the picture of her and Yu Shaofan entangled on the bed~.

The smile on his lips became more and more ironic, since she didn't care about him, why should he make a fool of himself for her?
His feelings for Michelle should have belonged to her. He loved her so wholeheartedly, but she only left one sentence, forget me! !

That kind of woman is not worth his pickle!
The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, "Of course!"

Michelle couldn't close her mouth with a smile. Even though she knew that he loved her because of another woman, she still couldn't help being excited.

Back at Yan's house, it was time to change the dressing.

Michelle came over with a medical kit, and thought that Yan Yifeng would instinctively refuse, but unexpectedly, he didn't.

But staring at her, Michelle's movements were obviously slower and unnatural.

This look was what she dreamed of.

Perhaps for Jie Yiyi, this couldn't be easier, but for her, it was hard-earned.

"Does it hurt?" She gently rolled the cotton swab and asked, her voice was a bit coquettish.

Yan Yifeng shook his head.

Michelle breathed a sigh of relief, "Feng, the doctor said, if you stick to the schedule, change the dressing, and clean the wound, it will heal within half a month."

"Some time ago, you didn't eat or drink, which weakened your strong body."

"I asked Mama Feng to make up for you. You should drink more later."

Saying that, Michelle turned around to give him medicine, but unexpectedly, Yan Yifeng grabbed her hand, and she was caught off guard and fell into his arms.

Smelling the scorching breath and seeing him at such a close distance, Michelle felt like she was thrown into heaven all of a sudden. The feeling was indescribable.

In front of her eyes, this was the man she had loved for a long time.

She just wanted to wait by his side silently, and never thought that he would do such an intimate move to her.

For a while, she couldn't get used to it, and she didn't know how to respond to him.

In the end, she lowered her head cowardly, "Feng, your wound hasn't been healed yet." As she spoke, she was about to sit up.

Yan Yifeng held her shoulders, "Don't move!" He looked at her face that was somewhat similar to Jie Yiyi, pondered for a moment, and then lifted her chin.

Slowly leaning forward towards her, Michelle didn't dodge, just a pair of clear big eyes blinking, revealing her nervousness.

When the distance between each other's lips was three millimeters, a figure suddenly flashed in Yan Yifeng's mind.

Her swollen little face made people feel distressed, he thought of Jie Yiyi's appearance by the hospital's pond when he was jealous of him.

"Yan Yifeng, I hate you."

"Why do you hate me?"

"I hate that you have such a pretty face..."

"Huh? Jealous?"

"What do you say?"

Just because of these few simple conversations, he held back, held back the mentality of wanting to take Michelle to revenge on her.

He didn't want to kiss her at all, but he wanted to take this opportunity to completely forget about that woman who lingered in his mind.

If he touches other women, he will always feel guilty in his heart.

lips, resisting to withdraw, Yan Yifeng lowered his eyes, and pushed her away coldly, "Go out!"

Just a little bit, he kissed her, and Michelle knew that he was thinking about her again, her heart was hurt a little bit, "Feng, your injury hasn't healed yet."

"Get out!" he repeated impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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