Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 512 Love or Enemy, You Choose 30

Chapter 512 Love or Enemy, You Choose 30
Knowing that Yan Yifeng likes obedient women, Michelle put down the ointment and walked out.

After watching the door close, Yan Yifeng punched the wall hard.

That woman has such a great ability that he never forgets her! !
Even if she is now nestled in another man's arms, when he thinks of her being hurt or crying, his heart will throb...

The feeling of suffocation rises, as if someone's breath is suddenly sucked dry.

Where is her charm?What was it about her that attracted him?
I can't talk about her advantages, but some people just cannot be replaced.

Love has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, how can it be possible to just forget it?

Jie Yiyi, a name that would hurt his heart when he said it.


Someone knocked on the door, and Jie Yiyi trotted out to open the door.

She thought it was Yu Shaofan, but she didn't expect it to be her—Sister Lan.

Huang Fulan leaned against the door, seeing Jie Yiyi, she smiled tenderly, "Yiyi, long time no see!"

Ordinary servants would not call her by her name directly, they would call her Miss Jie, but she was different.

On the contrary, they called her intimately, as if she and her had known each other for a long time.

She tried not to show her doubts on her face.

Responding to a smile, "I haven't seen you in a month, you are younger and much prettier."

Pulling her wrist affectionately, "Come in and sit down, I just mentioned you to Shaofan two days ago."

What Jie Yiyi said, Huang Fulan was not surprised, because Yu Shaofan had already mentioned this matter to her.

Following her wishes, she entered the room, and Huang Fulan handed the magazine to Jie Yiyi, "By the way, Yiyi, Shaofan asked me to bring it to you!"

Jie Yiyi took it and flipped through a few pages. This is the registration point for the School of Design.

Yu Shaofan has always known that she still has a dream that has not been fulfilled, so he sorted out the materials of the best design schools in Europe for her.

But for Jie Yiyi, this was not a happy thing, but it made her heart more complicated.

In the past few days, she has been there, observing Yu Shaofan every day, and tested him many times.

Wanting to get Jiang Yang's death out of his mouth, what happened, he didn't tell the truth, he just said that it happened by accident.

Seeing her fascinated, Huang Fulan said, "Shaofan said, there are many excellent teachers here, and the designers who come out from there are all very famous."

"You are still young and have a positive heart. Within two years, you will be able to reach Yipin Design."

What Shaofan said was right, she couldn't be allowed to stay in the castle all day, let her go out to practice and get in touch with the world.

Jie Yiyi put down the book and poured her a cup of scented tea, "Well, I'll think about it."

Right now, these are secondary to her, and it is correct to find out all these things.

Jie Yiyi didn't have much contact with Huang Fulan, but she always felt that she was very thoughtful, as if she could see through everything she was guessing.

Therefore, in front of her, everything about Jie Yiyi appears to be cautious.

"I heard from Shaofan that you were injured? Now, how is the injury? I brought you medicine."

Huang Fulan handed over the bottle of ointment, "This medicine doesn't have many side effects, and it heals wounds better. When I sent Shaofan to the company yesterday afternoon, I happened to pass by a pharmacy. The clerk recommended it to me. You can use it to your advantage. I hope it can help you." you."

Jie Yiyi took it naturally, "Sister Lan, you are so kind to me."

(End of this chapter)

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