Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 513 Love or Enemy, You Choose 31

Chapter 513 Love or Enemy, You Choose 31
This kind call from Sister Lan made her feel a little sluggish.

Silly girl, I am your mother, how can you call me like Shaofan?

The daughter called her sister, and she didn't know whether she should be happy or worried.

However, she is very old, even if she is in a trance, she will not let others guess what she is thinking.

After a while, she took a sip of scented tea, raised her head again, stroked her hair, "You are a child who is easy to make people feel bad."

"We are both Chinese and we are on the same land. You are abroad and have no one to rely on. I should take care of you!"

Jie Yiyi was very uncomfortable with her actions and words.

Ever since she was a child, she has never received maternal love. Her mother died, and she was at Jie's house. When did Zhong Guifang yell and yell at her?

She is as fierce as a jackal, every time I see her, I wish I could tear her apart.

She always minds when strangers treat her well.

She has thought about the reason why she treats her well, but after all, she and her mother don't have the same face.

Thinking of this, she said, "Sister Lan is a caring and considerate person, so your daughter and husband should be very happy!"

Jie Yiyi's words made Huangfulan's eyes flash with sadness.

But soon, covered by her, she glanced out the window and sighed softly, "I do have a daughter who is as old as you."

"It's just that when she was young, we got separated and we couldn't find her whereabouts."

"And my husband, because he was framed, is still in prison."

She observed her carefully, a lot of emotions flashed across her face, for a senior and experienced person like her, she couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

But her words can't help but be questioned. She said that she has a daughter who is as old as her?Moreover, her husband was framed and sent to prison?

Are these words indicating something in the dark?

Why, the experience is somewhat similar to hers?She lost her mother, and Jiang Yang was sent to prison.

Just when she was lost in thought, Huang Fulan interrupted with a chuckle, "Okay, let's not talk about those sad things in the past."

"It's getting late, I should go to the company to pick up Shaofan and go home."

Afraid that Jie Yiyi would arouse any suspicion, she cut off her thoughts.

Jie Yiyi put away the book about entering the Design Academy, then nodded, "Okay, I'll take you downstairs."

"No need, you are injured, don't go down and catch a cold, just rest."

At the door, being stopped, Jie Yiyi didn't expose her lie, but closed the door.

Shaofan just came here this morning. He said that the company has no important matters to deal with today, so he will stay in the castle to take care of some housework.

And Huang Fulan said just now that he was going to the company to pick up Shaofan, isn't that inconsistent?
After Huang Fulan left, Jie Yiyi opened the door, went to the kitchen downstairs, got a cup of tea, and walked to Yu Shaofan's room.

Sure enough, he was in his study, managing the bills.

At the same time, it also proved that the reason for Huangfulan's existence, and that Shaofan brought her out was not because of the lack of a driver.

Shaofan was very polite to her, which was not the way a master treats his servants at all.

Can life be resurrected?

Jie Zhengxin said that in the car accident that year, her mother died on the spot.

Where did this sister Lan come from?What method did she use to deceive Shaofan?
This series of questions came rushing in like a wave, catching her off guard, it was too complicated...

(End of this chapter)

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