Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 523 Love or Enemy, You Choose 41

Chapter 523 Love or Enemy, You Choose 41
Unexpectedly, Jie Boliang caught her with his backhand, and he glared at her, "Jie Yiyi, when did you learn violence?"

This was the first time that he touched her hand, that cold skin seemed to be charged with electricity, and penetrated into his heart. It was a strange feeling, and one couldn't help being nostalgic.

The attack failed, Jie Yiyi gritted her teeth in hatred, "This has nothing to do with you!"

"I am no longer the Jie Yiyi I was before. To Yan Yifeng and Yu Shaofan, I am no longer of any use value. If you want to threaten them, you have found the wrong person!"

"Your father's company was destroyed, he owed a large amount of money, and he is hiding everywhere, and Jie Momo is alone in China. If you go to prison, what do you ask her to do?"

Speaking of this, she curled her lips into a smile, and instead of being nervous, she relaxed, "I'm not afraid at all whether you kidnap me or not, but you have to think about the consequences!"

Ten years, he and her have been together for ten years, and it was the first time to see her chattering like this.

In fact, in his heart, he admired it, but on the surface he still looked indifferent and disdainful, "Fasten your seat belt!"

Jie Yiyi glanced at Jie Boliang, and vaguely felt that she seemed to have misunderstood him.

Is she worrying too much?Logically, if Jie Boliang wanted to kidnap her, shouldn't his attitude be bad?

Why do you look like you don't care?And there was nothing... dangerous about him.

Compared with Jie Boliang in normal times, he lacked the taste of wanting to bully her.

What is he trying to do?Where do you want to take her?

After driving the car for about half an hour, Jie Yiyi finally couldn't help but ask, "Jie Bailiang, where are you taking me?"

He glanced at her, and then said softly, "You'll know when we get there!"

I used to think that he was bohemian and aloof, but looking at him now, he seemed more mature and unpredictable.

"Here we are!" He pushed open the door and got out, and Jie Yiyi also got out of the car naturally.

In front of you, is a hut built with wooden slats. Although it is not big, it gives people a comfortable and ancient feeling.

She frowned, "What did you bring me here for?"

Jie Yiyi glared at her, "This is where I used to live when I was studying abroad."

"Is it related to me?" She asked coldly.

"Heh!" Jie Boliang snorted coldly, "You want to live on the streets?"

"..." His words startled Jie Yiyi a little.

Although he didn't make it clear, Jie Yiyi seemed to get the answer from his tone.

Before Jie Yiyi could analyze it clearly, Jie Boliang put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the cabin, "Here, I will rent it to you for the time being!"

It was a very simple sentence, but it caused a strange feeling in Jie Yiyi's heart.

She didn't understand what he meant, let alone why he did this. Was he afraid that she would have no place to live?Bring her here instead of kidnapping her?

"Jie Boliang!" Jie Yiyi called to stop him.

Jie Boliang didn't look back, went up the steps of the cabin, opened the door and went in.

Jie Yiyi was wary of him, and quickly entered the wooden house, yelling at his back, "Jie Boliang, I don't need your sympathy and pity, let alone you pretending to be a good person in front of me!!"

"It should be too disgusting!"

She just foolishly believed that Yu Shaofan was good, that's why she was hurt.

Now, she had to be on guard against them! !In this world, no one will be courteous for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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