Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 524 Love or Enemy, You Choose 42

Chapter 524 Love or Enemy, You Choose 42
Jie Boliang's footsteps trembled, as if he had pondered for a moment, before turning his head, "Whatever you think!"

"If you have time to sympathize with others, you might as well think about how to help your father settle his debts. Half of the reason Jie Zhengxin will end up like this is because he raised a worthless son!"

After the sarcasm, Jie Yiyi's chest was relieved, and she turned around to leave.

However, Jie Bailiang grabbed his wrist firmly, and he said with cold eyes, "Shut your mouth!"

Jie Yiyi was about to shake her off, but Jie Boliang got a handcuff from somewhere, and handcuffed her to the bedside with ease, and couldn't shake her off no matter how hard she tried.

"You..." Jie Yiyi's eyes widened violently. She thought that he really had so many people and gave her the house to live in, but she didn't expect that it was his real conspiracy to lure her into the nest.

"Jie Bailiang, you are too disgusting!"

Jie Boliang still looked disgusted, turned his back, put his hands in his pockets, and shrugged needlessly.

Anyway, it's not a day or two since she treats him as a bad guy.

"Stay here well, in two days, someone will come here to save you!"

With that said, he left the cabin.

Jie Yiyi frowned even tighter, what did he... say?Someone will come to her rescue?

Since someone came to rescue her, why did he tie her here?

Damn man.

No matter what Jie Yiyi called him, he would ignore it.

After leaving the cabin, he took out his mobile phone and dialed it.

After connecting, his voice became a bit colder, "I've already arranged a place for her."

"En." There was a response from the other side, "how is her body?"

Jie Boliang glanced back at the wooden house, "If you are alive and well, you probably won't die!"

"Do you dare to curse her?" A man's indifferent voice came from over there.

"..." Jie Boliang was silent.

"Don't hurt her! If she loses a hair, you'll be waiting for a bullet!!"

"..." Jie Boliang frowned displeased.

China, S City Hospital.

Several top doctors are busy administering medicine to Yan Yifeng and treating the wound.

This is the first time Yan Yifeng has received formal treatment since he was injured.

Seeing that his wound didn't improve at all, he frowned tightly, and put down his cold words, "I'll give you two days, if it doesn't heal, you all get out of here!!"

"Mr. Yan..." The doctor was a little embarrassed. The injury was so serious, how could it be cured in two days.

"Don't fucking question me, I say yes!!"

"If you don't have the ability, get out now!!" His cold voice resounded throughout the hospital.

"Yes, we will do our best." No one dared to answer no.


Jie Yiyi turned her eyes around to see if there was anything that could pry open the handcuffs.

But there is nothing in this wooden house.

Jie Yiyi never wears hairpins, no auxiliary tools on her body, and has no other options except keys.

It was already dark, and her mouth was extremely thirsty.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door.

Jie Yiyi immediately stopped the commotion, lowered her eyes, and pretended to be sleeping, but in fact, she had already started to be wary of people outside.

With a sound of "snap", the light was turned on, Jie Bailiang looked at the thin woman on the bed, a trace of distress flashed in his heart, but he quickly put away his emotions and put on a cold mask.

Walking towards the bed, she has been struggling all afternoon?Hands are already red...

Putting down the things in his hand, he got up and took the medicine box, took out the ointment, and was about to apply it to her.

(End of this chapter)

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