Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 533 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 5

Chapter 533 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 5
His eyes turned cold, he obviously ordered Jie Boliang to do this, but he lost his temper, "That bastard Jie Boliang, I told him not to hurt you, how dare he treat you like this?!"

There was anger in that cold voice.

Seeing the red marks on the little white hands, his heart ached.

Quickly took out a small knife from the suitcase, Jie Yiyi didn't see how Yan Yifeng unlocked it, only knew that he scratched the handcuffs a few times, and then opened it.

What he uses is not an ordinary knife, the kind of knife that can cut through everything is rare in the world.

Grabbing her little hand, he rubbed it for her, and asked distressedly, "Does it hurt?"

With him caring, where would it still hurt? She leaned lightly on his shoulder and withdrew her hand, "Yan Yifeng, I'll hug you."

Jie Boliang imprisoned her for two days, but she didn't complain to him?

Logically, she should tell him to punish him severely.

No...you can't just let him go!
"Jie Yiyi, what are you afraid of?"

"Huh?" Yan Yifeng's words made her puzzled.

"Jie Boliang has been bullying you for the past two days, right?" he asked.

Jie Yiyi lowered her eyes, thinking back, in fact, except for not letting her leave here, Jie Boliang really didn't bully her.

On the contrary, his attitude was much better than before. Although he was still indifferent, at least he didn't mock her anymore...

When he was watching the stars outside alone and guarding the door for her, she felt that he was quite lonely.

And before he left, she never understood what he said to her. What did that mean?

After thinking about it, I still don't plan to report him. Although I hate him, that is already a thing of the past.


I thought that this would dispel Yan Yifeng's anger, but unexpectedly, it would add tar to the fire.

Yan Yifeng was so angry that he grabbed her. His eyes were red and he pointed to the scar on her hand, "What are these? Are these not bullying?"

"He treats you like this, and you still say good things for him!!"

"Don't think about it. The person who is with you these two days is him, so you can be emotional with him. You are my woman, so you must hate him!"

Yan Yifeng fanned the flames, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "I'll clean him up for you!!"

"Farewell to Yan Yifeng." Jie Yiyi knew what Yan Yifeng was angry about, and she just said good things for Jie Boliang, wasn't he just jealous?
Since he is a jealous jar, she added sugar to it to make him proud, "I only have you in my heart, no one else!"

However, Yan Yifeng refused to accept this kind of trick, pressed Jie Bailiang's phone number, and dialed it.

"Hello!" came his cold voice from over there.

"Jie Bailiang, you~he~mother is tired of working, I told you to treat my woman well, but you actually handcuffed her? Do you still want your mother to be released from prison?"

Yes, the purpose of his calling was to let Jie Yiyi know that the reason Jie Boliang treated her well was to save Zhong Guifang.

"..." Jie Boliang frowned, he knew what Yan Yifeng was thinking!
He just said, "You woman, you are too barbaric. If you don't handcuff her, do you think you can hug her now?"

very good!He also knows how to find a way out for himself, but his goal has already been achieved, he curled his lips, "So, my woman has been torturing you a lot?"

"..." It's a lot of tossing him. For the past ten years, he has hated her like an enemy. How can he live well?


"Pick your mother out of prison the day after tomorrow."

It was supposed to be tomorrow, but who made him piss him off?
(End of this chapter)

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