Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 534 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 6

Chapter 534 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 6
After hanging up the phone, seeing the woman in his arms, the expression on her face was different, and the corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth was always hooked.

Jie Yiyi didn't want to ask at first, but she still asked, "Jie Bailiang came to Europe to settle for me, so that you can let his mother go?

"Otherwise?" He glared at her displeasedly, and he emphasized his tone, "Do you think he cares about you because he likes you?"

Jie Yiyi stared back at him, "I don't have that idea."

She knows what kind of person Jie Boliang is, but how could she have such an idea?

She just wanted to know why he suddenly changed his attitude towards her.

"It's best not to! If you dare to have it, I'll beat Jie Boliang." Yan Yifeng put down the order.

"I said, I only have you in my heart." Jie Yiyi was serious.

"Kiss me!" He pushed forward.

Naturally, Jie Yiyi would not disobey him, looked at him, wrapped her small hands around his neck, and put her lips up.

Yan Yifeng gently pressed her down, and the two kissed passionately again. If the door hadn't been kicked and it couldn't be closed, how could Yan Yifeng have kept the last step.

Looking at the dark night outside, I realized that it was getting late.

His woman's stomach has been rumbling for a long time.

I haven't eaten all day, can I not be hungry?

Instructing Bo An to get some food and come back, Yan Yifeng fed her caringly, like serving a queen mother...

Although her heart was very warm, Yan Yifeng had held a gun before, after all, his ruthless look was still in her mind, and this sudden change made her feel very unreal.

She lowered her head and looked at the gun thrown on the ground by Yan Yifeng. For some reason, her heart suddenly ached.

Thinking of Yan Yifeng pulling the trigger just now... If, at that second, he missed, or other accidents happened, then at this moment, has she already left him?

She couldn't imagine the pain, she only knew that her breathing was getting heavier and heavier, as if being crushed by a heavy stone.

"Why don't you eat?" Seeing that she hadn't opened her mouth for a long time, Yan Yifeng frowned and spoke.

Jie Yiyi jumped down from the bed~, picked up the handle~gun, looked at him with a somewhat serious expression, "Yan Yifeng, let me ask you, did you really want to shoot just now, or did you just want to scare me?"

Is this woman in a daze because of this?
He thought she understood his mind, that's why she dared to hit him with a gun?
Unexpectedly, if this gun really has bullets, then she is gambling with her life?
Damn woman, who made her so stubborn?
Taking the gun from her hand, he pointed the muzzle at his forehead.

Seeing this, Jie Yiyi screamed, "Yan Yifeng, what are you doing?"

"Put down the gun, I have no other intentions, I just want to know the answer!"

"Bang—" The gunshot rang out, but Yan Yifeng was safe and sound. It was an empty gun, and he didn't put bullets into it.

Her heart was thrown into the sky in an instant, but she caught it firmly again. She clutched her chest, feeling very uncomfortable.

Yan Yifeng threw the gun into the suitcase, "Jie Yiyi, remember! In this life, if I hurt anyone, I won't hurt you!!"

Heart, gently moved, this sentence is so familiar, as if no one has ever said it to her...

"Yiyi, you are the person I want to protect the most. In this life, if I want to hurt anyone, I won't hurt you."

This is what Yu Shaofan said, but in the end, he...

Looking up at Yan Yifeng, he... Will he be like Yu Shaofan?

"What are you thinking about again?" Seeing that her expression was not right, Yan Yifeng asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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