Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 535 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 7

Chapter 535 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 7
"I'm not thinking about anything!" She concealed it, she believed that Yan Yifeng would not be like Yu Shaofan.

"Then you are moved?" He raised his eyebrows as he put the soup into her mouth.

How could Jie Yiyi spoil his interest, it should be.

The two of them got bored after eating, and asked Bo An to find someone to repair the door of the wooden house, and then guarded the door by himself, letting Jie Yiyi go in to take a shower.

Because the wooden house is a long way from his house, I was afraid that the woman would be tired, so I decided to take her away by helicopter.

The reason for guarding the door, of course, is to fear that someone will suddenly come in through the window.

Although the wooden strips in the bathroom are tightly sealed, he, who is very possessive, feels that it is too extravagant to reveal even a little fragrance for them to smell...

There were so many bodyguards for Yan Yifeng outside the door, Jie Yiyi naturally knew how to be frugal, and didn't dare to stay for too long, and came out in about half an hour.

When Jie Yiyi came out in pajamas, Yan Yifeng quickly took off his suit and covered her up, firstly because he was afraid of getting naked, and secondly because he was afraid of catching a cold.

After telling her not to run around and stay in the house, Yan Yifeng went into the bathroom.

Jie Yiyi sat on the bed~, waiting for him to come out, thinking it was okay, she packed the suitcase for him.

The guns inside are all limited editions, of various models...

Jie Yiyi had a slight surprise, she wondered why Yan Yifeng brought so many guns to Europe?

Is someone hunting him down?
Thinking of this, her heart was a little bit messed up.

In this world, there are very few people who dare to fight against Yan Yifeng, she knows who it is, except for his father, no one would be so cruel.

When he packed the suitcase for him, Yan Yifeng had already taken a shower and came out in his nightgown, with water dripping from his forehead.

Jie Yiyi quickly got out of bed and took a towel to wipe his hair.

That gentle movement caught Yan Yifeng, recalling that in the hospital, she was kind to him in exchange for leaving.

His heart felt very uncomfortable as if he had been pierced by shards of glass.

Grabbing her little hand, he said, "Jie Yiyi, I want you to be nice to me forever, I don't want it temporarily!"

Jie Yiyi knew what he was worried about, so she curled her lips into a smile, "You are my man, if I don't treat you well, who will I treat well?"

"Jie Yiyi..." Yan Yifeng stared at her, only to realize that this woman had become much haggard.

He circled her waist and brought her into his arms, his voice was a little low, "Finally admit that I'm your man?"

There were many complicated emotions in my heart.

That feeling is like seeing a rainbow after the storm, it is refreshing, gratifying, and comfortable.

Jieyi leaned in his arms, stuck out her tongue at him, naughty like a child.

"Be good." He lightly kissed her lips, but Jie Yiyi pushed him away and reached out to pick off his nightgown.

A wave of evil fire surged up, and Yan Yifeng's eyes became a little more interesting.

"Stupid woman, I don't want it tonight, I'm afraid you will be too tired." He forced ~ suppressed desire ~ fire.

"Huh? Why don't you want it?" Jie Yiyi paused, and after a few seconds, she realized that she was embarrassed, "I... I just want to see your wounds."

"..." There were three black lines floating on his forehead. He thought that after a long time since seeing her, this woman wanted her and had sex, but it turned out that it was his own thoughts that were evil.

After the bath robe was untied, Jie Yiyi found that there was no wound on his chest, and there was only a word 'yi' on his heart.

At that moment, she felt that she was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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