Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 537 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 9

Chapter 537 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 9
Everyone get ready and return to the manor in a while. "Yan Yifeng ordered.

Of course, the manor he was talking about was not the manor where the old man lived, but a temporary preparation by himself.

"Yes." The men in black agreed, but their voices were extremely weak, as if they were attracted by something in front of them.

Yan Yifeng's eyes turned cold, he turned his head, his face darkened immediately, he quickly took off his suit, and covered Jie Yiyi's body.

Damn woman, why are you so ignorant of restraint?Running out in pajamas?on purpose?

Seeing that his subordinate's eyes still had no intention of leaving Jie Yiyi, he turned his face and roared, "Look again, I'll dig out all your eyes!!"

Dare to hit his woman's idea?kill!
"Cough..." At this time, Bo An had just returned from buying breakfast, and seeing everyone being scolded, he coughed lightly to break the embarrassment.

"Mr. Yan, this is breakfast for you and Miss Jie." Bo An said.

Yan Yifeng glared at him, picked up Jie Yiyi horizontally, and carried him into the cabin.

Bo An followed behind, but was turned away by Yan Yifeng.

Untidy woman! !She gave him a cuckold just after giving her some sweets?

He pinched her buttocks hard, and he said in a cold voice, "From now on, you are not allowed to leave the room in pajamas without my permission."

"Uh..." Jie Yiyi lowered her head, and then realized why Yan Yifeng was suddenly angry at the bodyguard.

I was anxious just now, so I forgot about it.

She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I woke up just now and found that you were not there. I thought you had left, so I ran out."

Her explanation didn't make Yan Yifeng's complexion any better, but made him even angrier, "I said, no matter what happens in this life, I will never abandon you. What are you worrying about?"

Afraid to continue, his anger ignited the small room, Jie Yiyi hurriedly kissed him on the face, "I won't think wildly in the future."

That cowardly and soft voice made Yan Yifeng feel an evil fire, and threw her onto the bed~, using a pillow to cushion her back.

He lifted up her pajamas, lowered his head and hugged her little pink tenderness, as if venting ~ venting, and also as punishment, ravaging her without mercy.

"Hmm..." A moan came out of Jie Yiyi's mouth, she couldn't resist this feeling, her little hand hooked his neck naturally.

Yan Yifeng's big hand never rested for a moment, it wandered around her upper body for a while, and reached between her legs...

Jie Yiyi was afraid that he would endure the pain like last night again, so she hurriedly stopped him, her voice was a bit panting, "Yan Yifeng, it's daytime now."

The damn cabin is not airtight...

The big palm rested on her smooth calf, rubbing it for a while before releasing her.

When he raised his eyes, his eyes were already full of interest, and his thin and moderate lips looked sexy. He said in a low voice, "Remember, if you make such a mistake again in the future, the punishment will be more severe!"

Jie Yiyi nodded obediently, Yan Yifeng's complexion improved, he took out the clothes and put them on for her.

After eating in the morning, everything was ready, and it was already past ten o'clock.

Yan Yifeng took Jie Yiyi into the helicopter and was rushing to the manor.

It was estimated that it would take about an hour before Yan Yifeng began to deal with official business.

And Jie Yiyi was at the side, sorting out the documents for him.

She would raise her head occasionally, and Yan Yifeng would lower her head occasionally, kiss her cheek, ask her if she was tired or something like that.

Maybe because of being comfortable in his arms, Jie Yiyi fell asleep unknowingly...

(End of this chapter)

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